
Is it ok? for me to leave my dog..?

by  |  earlier

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To leave a GSD puppy 6 and a half months old in the rain for a couple hours? the rain isnt very hard, im having work done on my kitchen dog normally stays in the kitchen or the garden.. so i have no where to put her and she cannot stay in the kitchen.




  1. Why don't you put her in the bathroom or find another room where she can go?  How about a neighbor, friend or family?  What about the garage or basement?  Seems like I came up with quite a few other options than just leaving the dog out in the rain.

  2. Make sure you put the dog In a place where it wont get all wet!

  3.          I dont know much about animals but, How often does your dog stay outside if not very often is there anyway your dog could stay in anyother room of the house, if not I would keep an eye on your dog every once in a while to see how its doing, If its waiting at the door or bumping  into it to show that it wants in or needs somthing, Id try your best to find a dry place for it but once again I dont know very much about dogs or any other animal really, sorry if this isnt much help! :<

  4. she should be ok but you should get a dog house or something and put a blanket in it to keep her warm

  5. look, you cant just leave the dog in the rain. you either need to get a kennel for it, some sort of shelter, why dont you put it in the laundry or the bathroom? or even get him babysat by someone, dont leave him sitting in the rain. would you like to be locked ouside to sit in the rain?

  6. it'll be r8

  7. you can put the gate in your kitchen.

  8. If i was you i would take your dog in side and put i the living room with a bed and blanket food and water and some toys to play with. The only reason to take your dog inside is that the rain might get heaver and it might turn into thunder and lighting.

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