
Is it ok for my 12 yr old sister to watch birth stories on tlc and discovery channel?

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is it ok for her to watch a baby story, birthday, baby special delivery, maternity word. is it ok for her to watch those or should my parents tell her no?




  1. I think it's normal and very healthy! I used to watch those with my sister all the time when i was way younger than her (we were very bored, but also loved how cute the babies were). She will know what pregnancy is all about! And how struggling it can be, the changes, and dramatic "images" might scare her a little for s*x.. lol

  2. i dont think she should.... why would she need or want to? shes twelve!  

  3. yes its only natural , nothing to be ashamed of

  4. Yes, she's 12. Seems most girls are having s*x at 12 these days, and these shows should have been watched by them anyway!!

  5. Mhmm! It should be okay! Learning about this stuff now will help her in a lot of things.. Like abstinence and such! Don't worry about it too much, if she gets grossed out, she'll leave the room...

  6. why not? its only natural , the more open and frank girls parents are the better able and informed she will be to know if she will want children and see for herself how fantastic a job a womans body does...see how her body 'works'  nothing unnatural if she isnt disturbed, bad stuff in life happens and sometimes children see war torn starving famine ridden news and hear about rapes ,murders and terrorism so I hardly think a baby being born  would damage anyones sister! I love those tv programmes too lol often sit in tears at the miracle of new life.  

  7. Yes, I think it's fine, really. I mean she's almost a teenager now and it's something quite natural. I mean, how did she come into this world? She's just worrying. It's not like she's watching anything sexually explitcit or anything like that. I know, I have seen these shows and they are sort of graphic, like you say. But I think it's fine. :)

  8. i think it's just fine

  9. I think it's fine. Giving birth is totally natural and should not have any taboos around in whatsoever. If she is fascinated about it, that's great. I know I couldn't watch anything like that at her age, but whenever I saw anything to do with pregnancy and birth on tv during my own pregnancy I cried...silly hormones :D

    Anyway, you never know, it might inspire her to become a gynocologist or a midwife.

  10. I think it's good for a 12 year old girl to watch birth stories (if she's interested).  It should help her with delaying s*x.

  11. Personally I don't think it's great for ANYONE to watch those shows because it portrays childbirth in such an inaccurate, negative, medicalized, and scary light.  But as far as it being too explicit for her, I think it's not inappropriate -- even if the anatomy was not blurred out, it's all the same stuff she has!

  12. I don't see any harm.  She's probably just curious.  Sit with her, and talk about the show with her.  Find out what about the shows interest her, how she feels about it, and if she is now wanting to have a baby or is scared of childbirth.  This could be a great way to get to know more about her and to bond.  And if you are worried about how graphic they are, remember that this is public television and the FCC is fully aware of everything seen.  She is twelve after all - in a year she'll be all set to go see PG-13 movies and IMHO some of those movies are FAR worse than anything I've seen from these shows.

  13. I think birth stories is a great show.  

    I think her watching shows like that teach her valuable lessons, that she *should* be learning, about anatomy, childbirth and just nature in general.  I had learned all about s*x and childbirth by the time I was 11.  It hasn't done me any harm at all, if anything, it's taught me to be more responsible with things like s*x, and delaying the decision to have children (I'm now 28).

    As for your parents telling her "no" to watching them, I think they'd both be crazy to do it.

    This is just my 2 cents!

  14. well my instincts say there is nothing wrong with her watching them, but is there a reason you think they may not be good for her? i know they can be graphic at times, is that why? or is she starting to think she wants a baby now?

  15. yes they block out the bad parts on most of those she should be fine

    tell your parents if your worried i don't think your parents would mind

  16. They are kind of graphic but at 12 she probably is wanting to know a little more than what your telling her!  They are def giving the right info!

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