
Is it ok for my 6 yr. old daughter to do core training?

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My daughters been using TRX once sometimes twice a week for a bout 6 weeks. She usually only does 2 exercises but it's really shown. She's dominating in her Jiu-Jitsu to the point I feel that she's cheating. Any input would be helpful.




  1. A kid that age is growing. They need no training strength or otherwise because their body is too involved in natural growth. Some experts even advise teenagers to stay away from such training for the same reasons. So long as a child is active and non-sedentary, everything is good. Even when it comes to supplementing, it should only be a multi-vitamin. Let nature take it's course...

  2. no

  3. omg she is way to young to worry about her abs/core.. but if she wants to let her.. it will show in the future

  4. I don't know what TRX is but my daughter is into competitive ice skating and it's very common for kids that age to be skating and doing core exercises 4-5 times a week, plus flexibility training and ballet.  Some of the 6 year olds have little six packs!  It's considered normal in that world.  

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