
Is it ok for my Shih Tzu/Poodle mix to eat fruit?

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I was reading a question on here and people say that it is ok to feed dogs some fruit but on a different question someone said you should never intentionally feed a dog people food. What is the truth? In my mind I thought that fruit would be a good heathly substitute for treat. Can anyone give me links to a good website that has food dogs can and can't eat?

Thanks everyone!





  1. it is ok for dogs to eat human food and you should not feed them grapes that is the only fruit you should not feed them the reason for not feeding them human food is because of the bad behaviors the dog will pick up such as bagging  

  2. This:

    is a list of foods that you should never feed your dog, since they can cause various medical problems.

    The person who said "never give your dog people food" is probably referring to the fact that you shouldn't throw your dogs scraps from the dinner table while you're eating.  It teaches your dog to beg, and ideally you should eat before you give food to your dog.  Eating before your dog then filling their bowl establishes dominance, since dogs eat in order of importance within their pack.  

    You can put people food in their bowl, mixed in with their normal dog food, and that's alright.  As long as the food is natural and not extremely processed, or contains any of the bad foods listed on the site, then it's okay to feed your dog.

  3. Yes.

    Fruits are fine,although...

    a lot of the seeds on fruits are poisonous,

    and should never be given.

    Apples are good.

    But apples seeds are toxic to dogs,cats,parrots etc.

    Good Luck.



    Here is a good list.  There are alot of people who feed a raw diet to their dogs, so they do add fruits and vegtables.  I give fruit and veggies to my dogs as a treat.  

  5. Im pretty sure tht u can feed them any fruit exept grapes, dont give them grapes, there more poisionous to dogs than chocolate!

  6. i have heard grapes are very bad for dogs and should not be eaten. but a bit veg are good for dogs my Toby yorkie  loves carots :) but both my dogs turn their noises at fruit.  

    heres a really good websites about what not to feed and what to is good for dogs :)

  7. They cannot have grapes/raisins.  There is no real problem with adding bits of good people food in with the dry food for an animal. Look at the higher quality pet foods which claim to have real meat and veggies, etc. A pet should not be fed "scraps" as such. I am now cooking pots of "soup" to add to dry food for mine so I know they are getting some real meat and real veggies and brown rice. My dogs had a blast when the peaches and pears starting falling off trees. There are many leftovers that are better fed to dog for a treat(not all the time) than to throw in garbage. Eggs, real meat pieces and veggies are fine for dogs. They do not digest corn even though that is a main ingredient in dog foods. We have no guarantees of what is really in dog food, even canned. We should be able to count on the label and the price but who  knows for sure.

  8. i dont see anything wrong with giving fruit to a dog

    i give pizza with pineapple on it to my dog and he's still alive, of course my dog is a golden retriever


    Grape peels are bad I have heard.

  10. I know that you should never feed your dogs grapes or chocolate. My veterinarian recommended carrots for dogs.  

  11. plain yogurt is good to mix with dog food, i wouldnt recommend fruits but carrots can improve dogs' eyesight. i know chocolate, grapes, and onions are poison to all dogs

    here are some links>>

    More stuff I found online:

    Most may not think it is bad to throw a couple of table scraps to the dog, but depending on what the scraps are, it could be harmful or even deadly.

    "Onions, grapes and raisins are downright toxic, as is chocolate," said Howland-Davis.

    In addition, nuts, avocados and beer are also bad for dogs.

    There are also the foods that most dogs are allergic to like corn and wheat.

    So what should a dog eat?

    Howland-Davis said, "Look for beef. Look for chicken. Look for fish."

    Other good foods are frozen vegetables like green beans and broccoli.

    The vegetables are not only healthy, but they give the dog a different texture than normal food.

    Dogs can also eat fruit like apples, oranges, bananas and watermelons.

    Just make sure to remove the watermelon seeds first.

    If you're concerned about what the dog should eat, the best thing to do is talk to your veterinarian.

    hope that helps

    ♥ Bella ♥  

  12. There's many reasons to avoid people food except in the case of treats (or in case you're trying to make a balanced home-made diet.)  Human food tends to be far more salty or have sugars added that dogs don't need.  Also, if you feed from your plate then you encourage a dog to steal from the plate or beg.  However... I use human food almost exclusively for dog treats because they're typically better for the dog than commercially made dog treats.  

    If the dog likes fruits and veggies, then using them for treats is fine, so long as you avoid things like grapes, onions, and pitted fruit (unless you remove the pit beforehand.)  

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