
Is it ok for my uncle to touch or pat my butt all the time. I am worried plz help?

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My uncle is 32 and he often pat my butt when my parents are not around. I feel kinda sick and I don't think right. Is this normal. I want to tell my dad that my uncle did this but i feel very embarrasing.

Yesterday, when he is in the shower, he ask me to take a toothbrush in his bag. To my surprise, i saw 2 p**n dvds in his bag. I did not tell him about the p**n stuff that i saw. Does he intent to do this and I am bit worried

plz help and thx




  1. It could be abnormal, you did not mention your age.

  2. just tell uncle to back off grab another ***

  3. he's a perv. you should tell someone. if he only does it when your parents aren't around, he knows it is inappropriate.

  4. Well if is bothering you you must tell your uncle to stop and and he does not stop you must talk to your parents. However maybe he is not doing it in a perverting way I am 26 and since I can remember my mom always pads my butt but for us is very normal is a way of spoiling. You must talk to your uncle and let him know you don't like him touching your butt.

  5. this just doesnt sound right...i would tell. or if you are not sure, just ask your uncle not to do that. if he keeps doing it,there is DEf. a problem. you have the right to not want to be touched on the butt. Dont feel bad about that.

    even if he is harmless, u dont want to be touched on the butt, so ask him to not do that anymore.

  6. Stay away from him and don't meet him alone.he sounds sick to me.try to tell your parents too.

  7. No my uncle does that too I guess I think its wierd but normal I guess.

  8. Your uncle is a creep he has no right to touch you tell your parents immediately.

  9. Although I would hate to think that your uncle is a pedophile, if you are uncomfortable with him touching you, or if you feel that his touching you is inappropriate, then you need to speak with your parents about it.  He may not mean anything, but he could.  You need to be careful about your own safety.  You don't mention your age, but if you are in your teens, you might bring up the subject with your uncle indiviually. Just tell him: "look, I don't like people touching me".  That should do it.  If it doesn't, don't wait for your Uncle to do more, go right to your Dad and ask him about it.  Please don't tell your Dad that your uncle is abusing you, though.  If all he has done so far is to pat your butt, then that is not abusive.  Sports players pat each other on the butt all of the time.  It's a man thing.  However, if it goes beyone that, you should go to your dad.  Be careful.

  10. Tell it! Tell it before there is a chance of anything else happening and then you are really embarrassed. TELL IT!

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