
Is it ok for women to wear designer jeans to a club?

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Is it ok to wear designer jeans (i.e. Rock & Republic, Seven, etc.) to a club with a pair of heels and a nice top? I really hate the way my legs look in most dresses so thought I'd ask. Thanks :-)




  1. Why wouldn't you...jeans and heels are a must, just make sure you stay classy, sassy, and confident and you will have a wonderful time.

  2. Most definitley. Now a days when you go to the club a flashy shirt and a nice pair of pants with the riight shoes go a long way, sometimes ill even wear a sexci shirt that matches my shoes (sneakers something so comfy to dance all night in PLUS less stumbling if you plan on getting drunk) and a nice pair of go for it girl and have a great time.

  3. of course its ok, and it saves the whole shaving and fake tan

  4. ofcourse

    just wear a facncy top :)

  5. yes. i think it sounds amazing. :)

    i hate wearing dresses and when i go out that's what i wear.

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