
Is it ok if I eat my dog?

by Guest56225  |  earlier

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It's getting on a bit and he looks rather tasty, what a better way to get rid of it.




  1. They do eat dogs in the Philipinnes. I wouldn't try it here. You'll be slapped with animal abuse charges faster than you can shake a stick.

  2. hmmm....not a good idea

  3. well if you are starving to death go for it.

    if you are able to get food then leave fluffy alone.

  4. ew sicko no way!

  5. stir fry.  a little ginger should cut the gamey taste.

  6. r u talking bout the hot dog u bought some time ago? if yes go ahead and eat it before it gets spoiled.

  7. Sure..

    Dog is a fine meal..

    Try stew..

  8. Well if you were starving to death I suppose you'd be forgiven. I doubt many humans would die themselves before eating a dog. Starving humans have eaten people before now!

    In poor countries they'd never waste good meat. We are too affluent to have to worry about that though.

    Morally, it's no worse than eating a fluffy lamb, veal or a cute chicken. It's hypocritical to complain about one meat and not another.

    However, the laws of the land would come into play and it's deemed not okay to eat dog in some parts of the world.

    So, you're probably better off leaving the poor mutt alone.

  9. make sure it's well done

  10. if you eat your dog, you'll be caught by the RSPCA.

    can't you afford food?

  11. In the philippines when you have a special guest for dinner you kill the family dog and and eat him for dinner.

  12. Ship it to Korea and  feed  some starving familes - they eat dog on a regular basis.

  13. Go leave him on Tony Blair's steps...

  14. hmmm,i say u try to make hot dogs. i would eat a dog. and cats too!

  15. its a really stupid idea don't go 4 it........ plz

  16. Nope, sorry! It's not ok to eat your dog. The dog eating we are not down with. Nope, no dog eating. The dogs will not be eaten. We shall not eat the dogs!

  17. Bar-be-que,  dog does taste good and so does cat.

  18. Deep fried is best......

  19. give out your dog to someone who will love it, and remember that hot dog is not a real dog ;)

  20. ye but make sure that he's HOT (dog) lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  21. no are you crazy.if you don't want it no more than take it to the animal shelter instead of doing it your way

  22. No, just get Chinese food j/k

    Sorry to the Chinese

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