
Is it ok if I watch my wife?

by  |  earlier

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I recently convinced my wife to have s*x with my buddy and let me watch. I got extremely turned on hearing her guttural moans and the bed squeaking. Anyway, I eventually joined in and he and I took turns. Now my wife wants a divorce because she says I'll never respect her again.




  1. troll....i don't believe you for a minute....

  2. I'd do the same if i were ur wife. maybe she did it cos she loved you but after wards she would think "hey, my guy doesn't really love me, i'm just some other woman".

    but in the first place, what was wrong with you to do that. it seems you don't realize she's a human being, your wife and not some object for experimenting.

  3. How many times do I have to tell you, "I'm sorry your wife liked me so much, but I promise when I'm done with her you can have her back."

    Maybe, after the BIG party this weekend.  

  4. Everyone I know mostly married that have done this have had nothign but trouble, in my opinion its a big mistakes. Often times the men dont trust their wife later, the women dont trust their husbands, resentment builds and its just c**p. You should go to councelling if you want to save your marriage, if you wanted to have an open realtionship you shouldnt have gotten married in the first place. No divorce to worry about that way. Good luck, learn for this~

  5. I don't blame her.  

  6. bros before hoes!

  7. well you sure shot yourself in the foot. Passing your wife off to your friends shows very little repsect for you wife. You treated her like a sexual object and I would be pretty offened if my husband enjoyed watching me get f'd by his friend.

    I would leave you know she only did it to please you. She probably felt like a used w***e afterwards.

  8. three value or respect system.........disgusting

  9. Why would anybody do this?

  10. she definately a w***e and thats not an experiment thats a train, a gangbang!!!

    2 women and 1 man, is a 3some, 2 men and 1 woman is a train!

  11. You wanted to experiment on her? Or with her? So much for talking it out beforehand. Was it that you wanted to have s*x with a male, and not feel that you were homosexual?  

  12. Those types of situations rarely turn out good.  Oops!!  My guts tell me it's not as simple as you are presenting it.  This might have been the last straw.

  13. well, at least you still have your best friend.

  14. if she agreed to this, then idk what her problem is/was, unless she liked your buddy better!

  15. everyone always wants to spice up/experiment in the bedroom. the mistake they make (only through not knowing fully) is that adding another person is not like they make it look on tv. even if all the people involved are willing and don't know each other, there is always going to be the embarrassment, jealousy, resentment, fear for reputation. trust me, i know. every person, whether they admit it or not has very fragile egos. it like that commercial where the guy is pouring the all that gas on the grill. looks like fun, you think if everyone is prepared it will be fine and under control. but then your grill, your eyebrows and half your house is gone. you have to let her know that you don't see her any differently and that you wont ask thing like that of her again (sence her image of herself is probably the one in question. she feels embarassed and betrade by her choice to be involved). the best way to do this is to plan a very romantic night ment just for her and not even think about s*x. just hold, pamper, spoil, even sing your guys' song to her (even a man with a bad voice is Sinatra if you sing out of love). but deffinately don't try, think, or say anything about s*x. also there still is the issue of your buddy and the humiliation when she sees him...who has he told, is he thinking about it now, how is she suppose to act around him now, is he thinking of her as a party favor and undressing her with his eyes. i know she aggreed but now there is remorse for that choice and she can either blame herself (which may really mess her up) or she can be mad at you. taking the anger for it is a little white lie like telling her that she will still be s**y to you at 85 years old when her rack looks like fried eggs hanging from two nails. if you love her and want it to work, i think you should help her remember that she will always be your goddess no matter what.

  16. As I said when answering a previous question I think it must be a full moon tonight, what on earth were you thinking about using your wife this way, no wonder she has gone. In fact I think that maybe you are trying to wind us up, no normal person could have done this, it is little short of rape.

  17. LOL! serves you right! you dont respect her. thats karma!!

  18. the problem is 2 fold--both yours and hers. One she agreed--and now is feeling bad about her own decision. I personally think all is fair in a mature relationship as long as both people agree it will not affect anything else. And she DID agree...


    a situation like that should not be entered into lightly takes an enormous amount of closeness --talking---friendship--openmindedness and self confidence to pull this off...I have never personally been at a point where I could and I consider myself VERY openminded.

    I would not have agreed to have s*x with another man in front of my husband--period. But she did--and she's an

    it's her burden.

  19. It sounds like she liked it too much and she wants to go on without you!

  20. Wow! if you love your wife so much, why on earth would you want to see her having s*x with someone else. Especially your friend?

    Do you not get what you did? If you wrote "i convinced her" then that means you  were pushing her on doing it. I know she agreed, but maybe she just did it to please you. She must feel humiliating and dirty. Never ask for this again! Just tell her you're sorry and it will never happen again.

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