
Is it ok if after divorced, husband and wife still own and live at the same house?

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Is it ok if after divorced, husband and wife still own and live at the same house?




  1. if you are getting along ....why not be roommates

  2. to each is own

  3. Sure,it's ok,if it works for both of you...If you can both move on,date others,deal with this as a business arrangement,& it's financially beneficial,why do you ask? Are there some underlying doubts?

  4. as long as you don't mind being room mates...

  5. Anythings else your sharing?

  6. It is not illegal and they are both consenting adults.  I can't figure out why they didn't stay married, but there is nothing inherently wrong with it.

  7. What was the point of getting divorced if you were to still be together in the same house?

  8. What as the reason for the divorce?  If you two agreed to remain friends, then why not?  If both of you are okay with the other dating, I don't see a problem with it.  It would be weird, but it could work.

  9. Do you have kids? If no kids then I dont see the issue. My best friend is dealing with that now. Her boyfriend still lives with his exwife and the 2 kids and trust me its not working out. If you were to get a bf/gf I would say that it would be time to move on into your own place

  10. Yes, it's odd because most divorcees do not feel comfortable living under same roof.  But if your co-habitation is cordial and mutual, then it's ok by me!

  11. Whatever makes you happy, but why get divorced then?  

  12. works for you? Both of you?  fine.

  13. To each his own!  If you're able to live in the same house, share the bills, and not have problems with the new relationships the other starts, then I'd say more power to ya!  It doesn't matter, after all, what we think...we don't have to live with you!

    Then again, it may be a little weird for the new bf or gf in either of your lives!  They may not be as accepting of your living conditions.  Until you start dating, it's really up to you!

    God's blessings on you and yours...Always!

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