I've been smoking for about four months non-stop. Longest that I didn't have any would be three days. I go to work high all the time and I tend to become very nice to customers, have a lot of confidence, and do just fine. The thing is why do I not want to go to class high. School is starting in two weeks.
I remember when I went to class high for the first time(and was the only first time) and wow... I had no idea what the teacher was talking about. Like I was doing my work and all, but I don't know why it was so difficult for me to focus and concentrate. This just made me drop governments after I did pass economics(luckily my teacher just happens to be a nice ex pothead to me lol) because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to concentrate and just fail. I think I was just paranoid about getting caught or something. Why this, when I hear that many potheads at my school make straight A's? Am I not using it right or what?
One more thing, I don't think weed would be useful for me for studying and taking tests. Like it helps me become creative and stuff. But I heard adderall pills would help me