
Is it ok if i wax my face(pic)?

by  |  earlier

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so here's a picture(not me)

the part that i drew on is where the hair is:

so it's obviously not noticeable like that.

no one has ever said something about it.

and it doesn't show up on pictures.

and i can only see it if my nose is an inch away from the mirror.

but i want it of.

is it ok if i wax it there?

what will happen if i do?


and do those celebrities wax their face?




  1. If you're talking about the light, fine hair on your face... Don't do it! Everybody has that. If you can only notice it when your an inch away from your face in the mirror... nobody else notices it.

    Even if they do get close enough to notice it, I'm pretty sure they won't be checking for hair on your face. They'll be distracted by your eyes, or lips, or perhaps their eyes won't even be open. ;)

  2. EVERYONE has little blonde hairs all over their faces its normal. but if yours is black i guess you can wax it or get electrolysis.  

  3. its called baby hair no prob dont wax i hav it too COMPLETELY NORMAL

    answer pleez?

  4. everyone has it.

  5. facial hair on girl look bad , u should wax

  6. I used to have the same problem except mine was much worse. Fuzz or hair is common on the face, it just shows up more on girls with darker hair. I had laser hair removal to get rid of mine because it was pretty embarrassing and I was told that waxing would ruin my face and make the hair grow back thicker and darker. Since you only have baby hairs, you might want to try using a facial bleach. It dyes the hairs light blonde and makes them pretty much invisible and it lasts long. You can buy facial bleach from pretty much any drug store in the hair removal section. That's if you really want to do something about it but it wouldn't be a big deal to leave your face as is:)

  7. Yeah, it should be just fine! People wax their faces all the time. BUT, if you have sensitive skin then you could get ugly little red bumps like you do when you get razor burn if you're not careful.

    An alternative could be threading. I have never had it done, but a couple of my friends have, and they say it's what celebrities do. It doesn't leave any irritation so it seems when my friend did her eyebrows so that could be the best choice for you :-) Hope I helped.

  8. Its normal and I wouldn't worry about it.  However, if you do, just use a very LIGHT coat of Turtle Wax

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