
Is it ok if my son swallowed a small piece of wood?

by  |  earlier

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I think my son may have swallowed a small wooden ball. He has this little wooden finger puppet and its head and nose were made out of two wooden balls. The nose is obviously quite small - smaller than my pinky fingernail. Well I saw him biting the head of the puppet and ran over to get it from him and the nose was missing. I looked all over for it but I can't find it. I think he may have eaten it. It is very little and smooth made of wood. He never choked on it and he is acting fine and normal - except cried when I took the puppet from him. I really dont want to take him to the er. Do you think I can just check his p**p for the next few days?




  1. It should be fine.

    Give the doctor a call if you want to, but there is probably nothing you need to, or can do.  Kids swallow things all the time, and as long as he didn't choke or inhale it, it should pass on through.

    I certainly wouldn't bother to go to the ER.  This isn't an emergency.

  2. I wouldn't go rushing anywhere just yet.  I would call first and make sure you explain just how small the ball was.  Instead of going to the ER his pediatrician may want to examine him instead of wasting your time at the ER.  

    Atleast with his doctor, s/he will thoroughly examine your son, rather then go into the ER and have them rush and possibly miss something.  So call his doctor first.

  3. I would not risk it..if he swallowed it and it gets stuck in his intestines it could be very damaging if not fatal, better be safe than sorry

  4. I'm sure that he will be fine. I def. wouldn't take him to the ER. Call your pediatrician. tell him that he swallowed the wood, and that it didn't choke him, and they will probably say it's okay too. My nephews have swallowed coins, and other little stuff and they are all fine (I have 4 nephews and 2 sons).  

  5. I agree with just calling the pediatrician for now and see what they say.  They can tell you if you need to bring him in or just keep an eye on him and his p**p for a couple of days.

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