
Is it ok if people take aspirin with tylenol?

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i took an aspirin for my headache like an hour ago since we're out of the chewable tylenol it didn't really do anything so i want to go buy some tylenol, but i don't know if i can take it right away




  1. Aspirin and Tylenol are fine to take together- they are both ingredients in Excedrin.

  2. You can take a normal dose of aspirin and in 2 hours take a normal dose of Tylenol. This can be continued for 24 hours. Drink lots of fluids. You can take both, but it is reccomended that it be in opposite 4 hour intervals.

  3. i'm a heart patient so everyday i have to take a 325 mg aspirin, that's a regular aspirin that helps keep the blood a little thinner than usual, each and every night for the last 5 years before going to bed i take two Excedrin P.M. which would be similar to the Tylenol that your speaking of.  every doctor i see knows that i take both of those medications and say it's o.k. to do so.   i take the Excedrin as a sleep aide rather than a script.      all those medications that end with P.M.  are pain killers but with a sleep aid.   knowing al that my doctors may even prescribe a real pain killer like oxycodone 500 mg.

    i say you should have no real problem taking both of those meds close together.

    one aspirin is usually never enough to cure a headache.

    when taking aspirin always try to take what's known as an enteric coated aspirin, that kind of aspirin is safer for your stomach.

    good luck to ya.

  4. It is ok to take aspirin with tylenol at reasonable doses (not higher than those recommended on the label) if you are young and healthy.  Tylenol is generally preferred for pain in patients taking aspirin for heart disease because it is metabolized (broken down) by the liver rather than the kidneys and because it does not block the blood-thinning effect of aspirin.

    When taken together with aspirin, other NSAIDs, like ibuprofen and naproxen, thin the blood in a different way and block the protective effect of aspirin on the heart.  These medications should be taken 8 hours before or 1 hour after aspirin and never in high doses as they may thin the blood too much, worsen stomach irritation, or have long-term effects on the kidneys.

    The best medication for a headache depends on your response to each medication and any other medical problems you might have.  Ask your doctor.

  5. It is very hard on your kidneys.  once is probably not going to hurt you too bad but if you continue with it, say hello to dialysis

  6. Maybe, but I've seen one that said "Has Aspirin mixed in with Advil"? I think. I don't know... I wouldn't risk it. Just chill and see if your headache goes away.

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