
Is it ok nutritionally to continue with follow on milk?

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my baby is 12 months now and i don't want to put her on cows milk, she has aptamil stage3 follow on milk, it says on the pack that it can be given upto 24mths old.

does anyone still give their toddler formula or growing up milk? and are they still doing well on it?

i don't like the idea of giving her cow juice as its not the most nutritional drink.




  1. Well at 12 months they are not getting much nutrition from drinking but from their food.   We did not use the follow milk but we went to soy we used the DHA  one because it has the most fat to aide in brain development that they need until 24months.  She has eczema and milk can make it flare up but if she did not have that we would of gone with milk.

    With that said there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. You know what is best for your child no one else does.  That is your choice to make  

  2. I gave both my kids formula to 1 yr and then slowly switched to Vitamin D.  I did buy Similac that was for 12-24mths and then switched to milk.  Milk helps their bones, etc.  Give your child Vitamin D milk now.  If your baby gets over the weight range they may recommend switching to 2% or skim.  

  3. My son is 2.5 and has only just come off Toddler formula full time, although he still has one cup a day, and my eldest daughter is 18 months and will be on it until the same age.  I feel that it provides better nutrition for those fussy eating periods, and when they're teething.  Nutritionally it does contain more vitamins & minerals per serve than cows milk, plus the Gold varieties have the added probiotics and omega 3, which aren't naturally found in cows milk.

    So I feel it's a better choice too, and if you're comfortable with it then that's what you should stick with.  I find my kids have improved immunity and overall health compared with other kids on cows milk, so I have noticed some benefits.

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