
Is it ok that when I pet my rabbit...?

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She puts her ears back and sometimes sinks into the ground?

She's neevr tried to bite (except once but that was my fault) and she's new. Will this change?




  1. If you mean that she sinks her head to the ground that usually means that she likes it.  Bunnies usually like to be pet on their head, behind the ears and under their chin.  If the bunny likes the petting then they will usually start to relax and sink to the ground and might start grinding their teeth very lightly.  If you are not mean to your bunny and provide them with a calm environment then they should not bite either.  To teach them that biting hurts, when they do it to you just shriek loudly and pull you hand away.  They should catch on quickly.

  2. I answered a similar question a few days ago...I've copied and pasted my answer to save my achy typing fingers!

    You need to get her to trust you. Having her spayed will make no difference, sorry!

    Get in her run with her and sit down. Just sit there, don't approach her or anything, if she comes to you, ignore her. Read a book or something to pass the time. Do this for a week (or longer if necessary), enticing her with food. Once she is comfortable eating with you, go to stroke her. Remember to move slowly and gently or you'll frighten her. Don't pick her up, just stroke her gently. Once she is happy with you doing this, then pick her up. Be very gentle but don't drop her, only hold her for a few seconds but gradually build it up. It could take a month or longer, but if you do this every day, eventually she will be happy to be handled by you. Be aware though that some rabbits simply do not like being picked up, but so long as you can stroke her and handle her comfortably then she should be fine. Don't rush things with her though, take things at her pace or you'll just make things worse. Feel free to email me :-) Good luck

  3. yea, my bunnies do that all the time. (they are 8 years old) they have done it all their life. nothing is wrong with that. they love a little rub!!

  4. Oh, yes, that is definitely OK. That means she is enjoying the attention. I had a rabbit that would do that. We used to say, "she's dissolving into a bunny puddle!" Often, she would also grind her teeth (bunny Nirvana!)

    She sounds like a very laid-back rabbit. Keep up the good work & she'll always dissolve into a bunny puddle for you. Don't worry if she bit you. If you know what triggered it, just don't do it again. My rabbit bit me once, too. I'll never skritch him under the chin, again!

  5. Do u rib her with a lot of strength? If not then ur rabbit is most probably enjoying it just like my rabbit. =D maybe you should do some reading up at websites to learn how to care for your rabbit. Plus.. rabbits love attention and massages!

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