
Is it ok to Breed My Mare?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks guys, i wouldnt just breed a horse and have a cute foal. Im getting into showing alot and i plan on doing for a long time. Me and my mom know alot of trainers and we are going to talk to them and see if any would allow me to apprentice with them so I can get soem training experience. and If it ends up i cant train teh foal then we will send it to a trainers.




  1. yeah she's fine. ((:

  2. My friends Horse was 16 years old when she had her second foal. All worked out fine. Your doing all your homework, so your Mare should be fine.

    She fed hers Senior Horse Feed- It has all the vitamins your Mare needs! Good  Quality Hay all she eat- Continue worming, and vaccinations. At home around $150.00 a Month. Or less.

    I wish you the best if you get your new baby!

  3. I would say no. If you are into training then buy a foal. There are so many foals for sale its not worth breeding your mare. It would make one less unwanted untrained horse in the world. Unless your mare has good, pure bloodlines, a nice temperment, then I would not recommend breeding your mare. Also your already busy training other horses.

  4. yes you can bread your mare no probs there leah

  5. well i think yes, go for it and since there are people willing to help, it would be easier since you are a first timer with breeding i mean her age is getting up there but i think she could probably breed she sounds like she is in good shape too, when you check with the vet i would ask he/she the expences and such.

    Good Luck with your riding, training, breeding, and etc!

  6. buying horses is the way to go, there are TONS of horses out there that would work wonderfully for whatever purpose you want, the horse market is WAY down because of the price of feed and everything else skyrocketing. you can get some nice horses awful cheap. alot cheaper and alot less work than raising one.

    i know you proabably looked over that b/c you said you didn't want anything else but think about this

    you may or may not get the mare in foal

    you may or may not have a live sucessful birth

    the horse may or may not kill itself before you can do anything with it

    i breed about 100 racehorses a year and we always say that if you get 50 percent of your mares in foal and live birth and then 50 percent broke (about 2 years of age) before they hurt themselves then your doing really wel

    that means out of 100 horses bred, 50 either don't get in foal for some reason or another or have birth complications which cuase the loss of foal and / or mare

    this leaves 50 babies left

    of those fifty, about 25 will make it to the age of two

    breeding is very expensive, alot of work, and risky.

    it's not worth it

  7. well... I mean it couldnt hurt her but.... she's kinda getting up there in the ages and since she hasnt been bred before it might be hard or if not impossible to get her pregnant....

  8. Yeah she is fine to breed at her age and if her health is as you stated.

    But PLEASE don't be doing it if your just one of those people "that want a cute foal".

    There are many horses in this world that need a good home without "backyard breeders" and with the slaughter houses shut down and the horse market in a big price slump....more horses aren't really needed.

    Oh and pregnant mares CANNOT eat fescue hay!!!!!!

  9. Yeah a mare of 12 years old is fine to breed from, but get a vet check to make sure there are no underlying problems first.  Good luck!

  10. BUY don't breed.

    Hun with today's market you can purchase a nicely bred colt or filly for cheaper than you would pay for mare care and a stud fee. Not only that but you get to see what's on the ground and not wonder for 11 months if the foal is going to be colt/filly, sound and healthy, know what color it's going to be, and if the conformation is going to be great.

    If you purchase you can hand pick exactly what you want and potentially save it from slaughter or an abusive buyer.

  11. She would definitely make a great candidate to breed. They don't really have to be fed anything special unless the vet recommends something. And it shouldnt cost that much more except when she has the foal then her and her foal would have to be kept in a bigger stall. Healthy mares make great mothers and having a foal is really fun and rewarding. It doesnt matter if youve never bred a mare before because everyone has to have a first experience.

    Good Luck :)

    Hope I Helped<3

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