
Is it ok to Lie for a person to Suscced?

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Would u rather be digging nothing on mutple truths only to be eveb farther away from the present u only beliving false hopes and dreams giving u the courage to progess than being completly alone?




  1. How does one Suscced exactly?

  2. Yes, you can lie to succeed.

    But each lie will take 144 lies to cover up.

    Each of those lies will take 144 lies to cover up.

    And all of next 144 lies will take another 144 lies to cover up.

    After spending all that time covering, how will you have any time to enjoy your success?

    Remember Satan is the Father of all lies.

    God love you!

  3. I'd forget about the lying strategy and working the "learning to spell" strategy.  

  4. Lying is bad either way and comes back to get you in the end. i tried achieveing happyness by lying to the government to join, and in the  end, they found out about my mental health issues and denied me. so dont lie. it will only come back to haunt you

  5. No it is never ok to lie....I lied to help a friend get a job and I've felt nothing but regret and guilt about it since....

  6. A person progresses only if they put the effort into succeeding themselves.  Based on lies, can they really say their success is sound.  One lie can lead to more lies. Honesty is the best policy no matter what.

  7. Well, many Christians seem to think it's ok to lie for Jesus. So why not?

  8. Is it OK to lie for a person to succeed? The end justifying the means?

    Not according to the Bible. "Let us do evil that good may come? Whose damnation is just." Romans 3:8

  9. If you lie to succeed, your "success" is false, because it's based on falsehood.  Ask politicians.

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