
Is it ok to ask my apartment complex to notify me before maintenance enters my apartment without me knowing? ?

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I want them to notify me in writing, would this be overstepping my boundaries as a renter or would this be a legitimate thing people can and do?




  1. They usually have to let you know when they will be doing work in advance, in writing.  However, by law they are allowed to go into your apartment if there is an emergency and need access, ie. broken pipe, broken window, etc.  Your state Department of Housing should know the answer as each state varies.

  2. double check your lease to make sure that they didn't already tell you that maintenance can show up with no notice, otherwise, it is totally your right to request a 24 hour written notice from your landlord. Most landlords know this.

  3. Chances are that is already the case. Most apartments put it in their leases that you will be given notice before entering your apartment. It may not be 24 hour notice though.

  4. You have the legal right to a 48 hour written notice before anyone enters your apartment.    The law has been changed recently.   Some tenants were requesting repairs but never allowing the workers to enter the apartment.  Then they withheld rent because the repairs weren't done.  The new law is that the workers get to enter if you requested the work. You don't control the entry for the requested repair.  That is fair./

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