
Is it ok to be nervous on the first day of middle school?

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i'm gonna start middle school next week.

& i'm extremely nervous.

do you guys have any tips that can help me?




  1. I was the same way last year. I am in 7th grade and 6th grade was the easiest thing ever! You have to make it fun though! It's not that hard... you just have to work at it and do the best you possibly can! Good luck sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. of course ur nervous

    im going into 8th and im a little nervous

    probably the biggest difference at first in middle school is the hw

    but if ur a good student u should b ok

    its rly exciting actually, and in my opinion middle school is better than elementary

    they treat u less like little kids that cant cross the street on their own

  3. Yes it's normal to be nervous, the lower-grade teachers (k-6) tend to make it seem a lot harder than it actually is, once you get used to the new building and teachers you will see that it actually isn't bad at all!

  4. I'm going into middle school to, I dont think theres much to worry about...

    Just dont stress the little things and try to enjoy your year. A simple fix.

  5. Middle School is not hard (depending on your school). I have a very nice school and quickly made friends and such, they are never mean to me at all. It's definitely normal to be nervous, I mean WHO ISN'T? It's a new school, new grade and new standards. It's a new beginning. Just be yourself and everything will be great.

  6. Im starting middle school this year to and its 6th grade and a new school. ive gotten lots of advice because im scared to about missing classes teachers who are mean losing friends making new friends. im really nervous but just be yourself and its gonna be ok. just on the day that you get there just keep saying to yourself i feel good and ill have fun say that over and over again but you have to beleive in it. youl do great and i will to we both are really nervous. if you think im wierd for saying the whole keep saying to yourself i feel good and ill have fun look up on google The Secret. its a book kinda of thing. just remember always think positive.

  7. that's what i felt the first time but u will get over it soon.and it isn't that hard in middle school.all u got to do is pay attention in class.

  8. Nothing wrong with that. You're probably going to a new school and you're going to meet lots of people you don't know.

    Just be nice to everyone and do your homework. That's all you need to do.

  9. I know how you feel. Its ok with being nervous on your first day of middle school. And i would say it differs with each student if its harder or easier in middle school. For me it was much easier than elementary schools..

    As long as your friends are going to be there you'll be able to make it through the first day of middle school. Don't be intimidated by the older students =) & by the things you hear, most of it changes as the years go by.

    Well I hope I helped =)

  10. Okay relax, are you going into 5th or 6th grade? Some middle schools start at 5th like mine did. Middle school is no harder than Elementary School, just bigger. These are the tips I have used that helped me a lot! P.S. I'm entering high school this year, and I know how you feel. :)

    Tips for starting 5th grade and/or a grade where you do not switch classes:

    1) Remember, your feeling just like everyone else. Even if they do not admit it, they are having most of the same feelings your having!

    2) It will still be like your 4th grade/ last years class, just in a larger school. You'll still be in 1 classroom with 1 teacher, on ly leaving the room for speacil things like Lunch/Gym ecd...

    3) Your teachers have been through the same thing and know how you feel, they will try to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

    4) It's true that in middle school a little more is expected of you, your getting older. As long as you do your homework and behave you'll be fine. It may seem really hard when you look at the older kids, but it gradually gets harder so that you get used to it. A teacher will never go from letting you miss one or two assignments a week to giving you a detention at every missed assignment.

    5) Just have fun! You'll never get another "first day of middle school" so try and enjoy it. Middle school can be a great experience for you if you make it to be that.

    Tips for switching classes:

    1) It's not as hard as you think it is. I know I was extremely nervouse about switching classes when I entered 6th grade. I thought I'd be late all the time, get detention because I was late and teachers would hate me. I'm sure your having the same kind of thoughts. Generally you get 3-5 minutes to switch your class. In this time you have to either go to your locker to get your books for your next class, or just make your way down the -very crowded- hall to your class. Try to plan your locker stops so they are on your way. The first couple of days your teachers will give you a break, and you'll get the hang of it quickly. Try setting a timer for 3-5 minutes so you can see how long it is.

    2) If your school lets you, get a shoulder bag to put your extra books in so your not carrying a bunch, I carried ALL my books until lunch and it caused me pain and i looked like an idiot.

    3) Look at a school map and plan your stops and how to get to your classes, it'll make your days much easier.

    4) HAVE FUN!!!!!

    I hope I helped, and I'd love it if you messaged me to let me know how your first day went!!

  11. yeah going to middle school made me really really nervous too! But don't worry because the teachers are really helpful & just stick with your buddies and make some new friends and you'll have a gr8 year! Just a warning: middle school does give you more homework so be prepared for that so stay organized & listen to directions!!

  12. No need to worry. Its normal. As days roll by, you will feel less nervous.

    It is hard? well, if you think it is easy, its easy. you will do well if you put in enough effort.  

  13. u shouldn't be nervous cuz ur friends are all going to be there so everything is going to be alright. some tips: just be nice, do ur how, listen to the teacher, and relax. =]

  14. youll be fine. on my first day of middle school 2 years ago, the teachers were very helpful. its nothing to worry about. i was nervous too. but i was fine after a few minutes. dont worry.

  15. i would b 2 but i am actually movin from a city 2 a suburb 2 a new skool where i only noe 8th graders but im in the 7th nd i noe very little kids

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