
Is it ok to be overweight and ttc?

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we are both working on loosing weight and being much healthier than we are now, our diet isnt bad but could use tweaking eg no more coke for me :)

is it ok to be over weight and ttc?




  1. Being overweight can cause issues when ttc. It does play a factor.  

  2. I'm overweight a bit and ttc on fertility drugs I have been advised to try and lose weight as being overweight can reduce your chances of conceiving

  3. it depends on how overweight you are. If you are well into the obese range, it can affect your fertility and make pregnancy very difficult for you - but it's no reason not to try! I'm in the 'overweight' range and conceived easily twice with no major complications (yet) in either pregnancy.

  4. Define 'overweight'

    When i was a size 12 becuase of weighing 12 stone i was classed as 'overweight' - now im probably something like morbidly obese!

    It does play a role YES, but tbh i believe in faith, thinking positive and our wishes will come true.

    As long as you take things easy, eat the right stuff and it pains me to say this as i too am a coka cola addict - cut out or cut down the coke you should be fine!

    You didnt say how old you are? This too can play a part in it all, i dont think there is any harm in TRYING at least!!

    The very best of luck to you hon - xx

  5. Sorry whats ttc?

  6. Yes it is ok to concieve when overweight. You may develope gestational diabetes.

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