
Is it ok to breastfeed while you have a cold?

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I am still breastfeeding my 9 month old girls. They are on solids and one of them has formula feeds as well as the breastmilk. I have a cold, its not too bad but should I keep breastfeeding or should I just express the milk but not give it to my daughters and discard the milk so my supply won't dry up. One of my daughters has a cold as well which I believe I have caught off her.




  1. yes keep feeding them, they will get all the antibodies from the cold you are fighting off now.  

  2. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  3. When you have a cold your body is producing anti-bodies which will protect your babies from that cold, so please continue breast-feeding them.

    As time goes on and they take less and less of your breast milk, it is still worth continuing, even for one feed a day, because the anti-bodies of all the colds, measles, chicken-pox, and infections that you have ever had, is still in your milk, in a more concentrated form, so it is still good for them to have it.

  4. Yes, keep feeding! That milk will help keep them from getting sick!

  5. Yes, you should continue to breastfeed.  Your daughters are getting immunities from your breastmilk, whch might help the one who's not sick from catching it.

  6. What??  Why would you ever throw away the antibodies the babies need to fight the cold?

    The kids will probably get it no matter what you do.  Everyone lives in close quarters with babies and as long as you don't have the bubonic plague - the kids NEED exposure.  Their little immune systems need practice fighting back diseases whether they are breastfed or not.

    In conclusion, keep breastfeeding the babies so they get the antibodies to whatever virus you are fighting off.

  7. no u could give your baby the cold..  

  8. You know what, breastfeeding while you're sick would actually PROTECT your babies and prevent them from catching a bad cold.

    Cold virus do not pass through your breastmilk, if your babies caught your cold, they must've caught it from the air.

    Babies don't have much antibodies, and when you're sick, your breastmilk contains the exact antibodies for your illness.

    Keep breastfeeding.

    In fact, I suggest breastfeeding them more often.

  9. yes it is ok to breastfeed even if you have a won't affect the milf, but i suggest that a thorough handwashing is needed for you not to transmit the virus to them,,if possible wear face mask,,if you keep on sneezing of if you have a hard time feeding them then just express the milk out and put it in the can store breastmilk in the ref, up to 24 hours,,the virus won't cross the milk from your breast so don't worry...hope this helps..

  10. Yes, definitely continue to breastfeed them!  One of the benefits of breastfeeding is passing off the antibodies that your body has during a virus to them...they would probably get the cold anyway, but now their little bodies are more prepared.

  11. You are able to breast feed while you have a cold. Just make sure that none of the medicine that you might take for it would harm the baby. No asprin base medicine at all.  Check with your doctor if something says caution while breatfeeding on it.  Hope you and the babies feel better soon. God BLess

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