
Is it ok to buy wild fish ?

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I recently bought some wild guppy fry online and have them in a seperate tank then my other fry. Is it safe to put them with my other guppy fry( domestic)? What exactly is the difference? Do the wild fry have different requirements? I`ve been treating them the same as my other fry. Will they attack my domestic fry? Any help is appreciated.




  1. Sure....make sure it is healthy :D

  2. I have little problem with buying wild Guppies, as they are in no way threatened.  I would NOT recommend putting them with your domesticated Guppies, however.  Usually, the purpose of buying wild Guppies is to have clean strains, while the domesticated fish are very muddled genetically, often crossed with Endler's Livebearers for patterns and tail traits.  Mixing the wilds and domestics would basically produce mutts, rather than breeding the wilds to produce pure wilds.  Their care will be about the same, and both will adapt readily, but I still wouldn't mix them.

  3. I would keep them seperate. That way you have pure strains of wild guppies. If you do mix them, the results may not be as pretty as the domestic fry. Mixing them will not harm your other fry, though. They require the same care as the guppies you have now.

  4. A lot of fish we buy in pet stores are actually wild caught. Some fish species are just too hard to breed in captivity.

    Its smart of your to quarantine them and make sure they have no disease. If you don't notice anything after 2 weeks, I would say they are safe to put in with your other fish.

    There really is no difference. Fish are fish.

    The only difference is wild caught fish sometimes get sicker and die, because they are not use to home aquariums. therefor you just need to make fure that you have superior water quality. But this is beneficial to any fish, not just wild caught fish.

    Guppies are hardy, and your wild caught fry should have no problem adjusting. They just probably won't be as pretty as your captive fry.

  5. The difference is wild guppies are caught in streams and they have been breeding naturally without human involvement. They are natural.

    "Domestic" or  named guppies come from fish farms and they have been selected for characteristics. This has led to weak genetics due to inbreeding.

    Husbandry wise there is no difference in the care of the two types. In a breeding program you would introduce wild guppies to a recognised strain to cross out the genetic weakness and breed healthier stronger fish.

    If guppies are just your hobby and you don't care what colours occur, then you would be advised to mix the two and produce healthier fish in the future. If you plan on showing, you would need to select a male and female to produce the desired babies.

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