
Is it ok to compliment on girl`s face?

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I learned that it is no good to compliment on girls looks, like their bodies. It will sound I want s*x. But compliment girls face is still not good, especially to the girl who dont know well. Like saying you have nice eyes, or smile.




  1. can compliment...but be specific, creative and sincere.

    If she has nice eyes...don't just say "you've got really nice eyes." Put spirit into it. Eg "I like the way your eyes are so 'soft'. I mean - they remind me of my cat when I was little. He was Sammy." Grab her hand and laugh...say "...had really big, fluffy paws!" He was like a little kid as well (smile as you reminisce). Say - "actually, you're a bit like a cat!" Then tickle her tummy!!

    No-one will ever have bust a move like that and she'll think you're fun to be with. what's more, she'll feel that she's great to be with, too - because of feelings/memories she invokes in people. Be orginal, but sincere...and have fun!

  2. I mean yea if you say something like "you have beautiful eyes."  Girls like that.

  3. Keep it general. Too personal is bad manners (unless you are dating or know the person well)

  4. it's fine. actually, id love a guy to compliment me on natural beauty, other than clothes or wutever

  5. there is nothing wrong with giving a girl a compliment especially about her face. because that means your not scoping her When a guy compliments my smile, i think its really cute.

  6. Sure it's okay to tell a lady they "have nice eyes, or smile." That isn't a sexually harassing statement. And I believe a lot of ladies would appreciate the compliment.

    Thanks for asking.

  7. Are you a guy? Girls are generally vain. If they wanted a compliment, they would look in the mirror because many telepathically compliment themselves. I know because I can read minds. Anyway, yeah, dont compliment them on anything. Ever.  

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