
Is it ok to cut a cats nails?

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I don't want to declaw the cat but is it ok if i slip them with a nail clipper? This is just a question and i prefer no rude answers. I just want to know.




  1. Yeah, you can totally do that. I think it's a lot more humane too. If they end up getting out of the house, they'd never be able to defend themselves without nails. I've trimmed cats nails before and it's fine.

  2. their claws are super sensative.

    DON'T DO IT.

    you could seriously hurt them if you cut to far down, where they have nerves.

  3. your really not suppose to.. because some parts of there nails have veins so you kind of have to be careful when u cut their nails. i suggest take your cat to a pet place where they specify in cutiing nails and smoothing them out.=]

  4. I just clip the tips of my cats nails and they don't mind it... I have used regular nail clippers and dog clippers

  5. You get a special clipper for animals nails.

    Here is an article on it.

    Pay attention to WHERE to cut the nail.

    I cut my 3 cats nails.

    You could probablly find a youtube clip too.

  6. it's ok if you cut your cats nails, if you dont they will become too long.  if you are afraid of your cat scratching things you can also purchase nail caps.

    here is a website you can visit:

  7. Yes, it's fine as long as you know what you're doing before you attempt it. Use cat claw trimmers and only take off a tiny bit at the end of the nail. They often come with instructions. Never use trimmers that are made for humans or dogs, because you are more likely to hurt her that way. Do it once a week. Here's a website in case you need it:

    To be extra cautious, you can ask a vet or groomer to show you the proper way to do it.

  8. yes but you should go to a pet store and buy the proper clippers. Your cat probably not going to like it too much but give him  a treat afterwards and over time will get accustomed to it.  Also don't cut too far back or will case him pain and can get infected only cut back a millimetre or 2 so only small fraction just enough to dull them down.

    I have a kitty

  9. Yes its ok but don't use a dog nail clipper it can make there nails split. Try the cats nail clipper or take to a groomer and they can do it for you. Try not to cut it to low that will hurt the cat and make it bleed.

  10. I cut my cats nails a couple times a month. I wrap her in a towel, so it's harder for her to fight me, because she hates it. I use normal human nail clippers and just take off the sharp tip. it dosen't hurt her them at all. They'll pull, growl and hiss, then sulk when your done, but they get over it.  

  11. no. the cats need there claws for grip . if you did trim them then he wuld find it harder to climb and do activities.

    i would not attemt doing this task

    hope this is ok :)

  12. Yes  it  is  fine,  just  the slight  curve.  A  small clipper made  for  cats  is  sold  in  pet  supply  area  but  I used  human  kind,  I  found  larger  was better.  If  cat is  difficult  call  a groomer for  when can  come in and  get it  done. About  5.00

  13. You are right not to declaw your cat.  

    I've owned cats all my life.  I clip their claws using a big toenail clipper and it works just fine.  I hold them between my legs so they can't run off, then trim just the tips.  The nails have a blood vessel in them which on most cats you can see.  Just make sure you do not get near that--if you cut that it really hurts the cat and will cause some bleeding.  

    Remember that most cats don't like this very much, but you aren't really hurting them, and you are saving your furniture!

  14. Yes, it's okay, if you can get your cat to hold still! Otherwise, it may be dangerous!  I wouldn't think about cutting my 4-year-old cat's nails, he is almost 16lbs and I'm afraid to see what he would do!

    My cat never scratches our furniture or people, we are lucky.  But I also think we give him enough "toys", and my hubby made him a huge cat tower he can scratch, that he doesn't feel the need to scratch anything else.  

    Put some catnip on a place he can scratch, and he'll go nuts!  GOOD LUCK!

  15. Yep, you can trim them without hurting the cat, although you will need to deal with the issue of making him or her sit still. Just be careful not to cut the quick.

  16. As long as ur careful, ya. I do. my cat scratches me all the time, so i cut her nails with nail clippers and it really helps. i do it about once a month. cuz like humans, cats nails do grow back. just be carful. and make sure u JUST cut the very ends of the nails. dont cut too far or it could seriouly hurt the kittty.

    hope it helps! *-)

  17. Absoultly it is ok to trim their nails.  I just hold my cats btween my legs and they do just fine.  Just make sure you don't cut into the "quick", or they toe nail will bleed.  Just like us, if we cut the nail to short, it hurts.  Make sure you do it in a well lit area, so you can see the pink (quick) in the nail.  I give my cats treat after and they have forgotten the whole ordeal.  It is better than declawing for lots of reasons.  As one person also stated, you can buy caps to put on the nails. They will fall off after a while and as the nail grows as well.  If you want, go to the vets and have them show you how to do it.  It really isn't a big deal.  Good luck - I have owned 4 cats and my eldest lived for 21yrs.  My cats are all indoor cats as well.  

  18. you can't clip them all the way back, no. but you can clip off the tips and they will be less pointed.

    I clip all my cats every week. especially my youngest, he has a disorder and uses his claws for everyting and anything and gets stuck alot.

    you could try using a product called soft paws, they are nail covers that slip onto the cats nail. kind of like when we place acrylic nails on our fingers. they just glue on.

  19. Good for you for not wanting to maime your cat by declawing it.

    Yes, you should occasionally trim the cats nails. Just make sure that you do not cut too much off.  

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