
Is it ok to cut leaves off courgette plants ?

by  |  earlier

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I am growign courgette plants in my vegetable bed and the leaves are taking over and crowding my other veg and aubergines- is it ok to cut a few leaves off ?




  1. Yes cut a few off but remember the plant needs its leaves for photosynthesis and they help protect the courgettes.

  2. I cut the lower ones off leaving enough for the plant to photosynthesise. Otherwise you wont get many courgettes. The older leaves go yellow and brown anyway.

  3. yes i think so just check if there any dead that need to come off 2

  4. yeah you have to let the birds and the bees see the flowers anyway with courgettes I have a philosophy that as I am feeding them I dont need to worry about the sun transforming into food and I aint feeding leaves

  5. yes that will be fine so the other plants can grow as courgette leaves get big good luck

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