
Is it ok to date you 3rd cousin "once removed"?

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we have liked each other for a very long time and recently come to realize that we have family that is the same. You see, my great grandpa and her great great grandpa would have been brothers. making my great great grandpa and her great great great grandpa would , be the same person i think. we began thinking that we were much more distant than this (we thought 6th cousins) but after i have done some research i have noticed that we are actually 3rd cousin "once removed". whatever that means? i am just wondering if it is ok if we still see each other?




  1. Once removed means that one of you is a farther generation then the other. And, I think its a little gross but its not illegal. You should have your wedding in Kentucky.

  2. Yes it is fine. Legally, in the UK, you are not allowed to marry your cousin ie. if one of their parents is the sibling of one of your parents, or put anotherway, you have a set of gandparents in common. But you two are very distantly related and there is no legal or genetic reason not to see each other.  There are far too many "greats" there for it to matter.  Maybe you should sound it out with your parents if you are not sure but, if you have only just realised, then they probably don't know about it either. Good Luck  

  3. You can go out with your first cousin if you want. I think you can marry also.  

  4. welll....technically you are cousins. on the other hand...'once removed' is a very helpful phrase. it would've kinda sucked if u dated on purpose. but since this is unintentional,i guess,its not as bad. you're the one who'll have to make the decision, though.

  5. Sure

  6. i dont really know it depends if you guys were going out before you were diagnosed as family. he is techneckly not related to you..........

  7. no cause kids will be handicap...thats not cool ..stay out of the blood line

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