
Is it ok to do this with my fish?

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Ok so i got a Male Betta today and i was gonna go out to the store tomorrow and buy a female or male goldfish...which would be ok and if it is ok?..then which would be better?




  1. No, Goldfish are cold water fish while a betta is a tropical fish

  2. small goldfish like feeder comets that's what I put in with my daughter's Beta.

  3. Definitely don't put the betta with the goldfish, whatever you decide.  Their temperature needs are too different for one thing, as goldfish like cold water and bettas cannot do well in the cold, not to mention the immense amount of space needed for goldfish.  I've heard people say anywhere from 10-30 gallons per goldfish and considering how big they get and how incredibly dirty they are, I'd lean more towards 30 gallons per fish.    I had goldfish for a while, but it was so much work keeping their tank clean it just wasn't worth it.  I finally found someone with a goldfish pond who was willing to take them and I'm sure all of us are much happier for it.

    Most bettas will accept tankmates, though it varies from fish to fish. You have to watch out for them in community tanks, though.  Bettas' long fins make them prime targets for harassment and fin nipping and  bettas will fight with gouramis or fish (like guppies) who look too much like bettas.  Bettas are territorial so they want to defend their territory from other bettas-- they're not just "vicious."  A good betta site can give you a list of compatible fish, but personally I've always kept them separately.   In a small tank (less than 10 gallons) it's way too easy to overcrowd and trust me, the betta will be just as happy on his own.  For stimulation, show him a reflection of himself for maybe 15-20 minutes a day and let him "defend" his territory, but you don't want to overdo it.  They can get stressed out when they're on the defensive all the time and a stressed fish is vulnerable to disease.

  4. As long as you don't put them in the same tank. Betta fish are fighting fish. They will attack the goldfish. Also, goldfish are picky about their pH levels. They need much more attention then the Betta do.

    Goldfish can get big too, so keep it in a small area to maintain its size. I would read up a little on goldfish raising before purchasing one. I've seen a lot of my dorm-mates purchase goldfish and have them die on them quickly.

    I found a decent site to visit for starters. ^_^

  5. It really depends on the size of the tank. I'm not so sure that would be a good idea considering alot of goldfish are coldwater fish and your betta is tropical. Bettas will be fine alone, mine is and he's perfectly happy in their all by his lonesome. Also goldfish are very messy!  just 1 goldfish needs 10 gallons of water minimum.

  6. beta do not need a heater.  dont put it in with ANY other fish as it will kill it.

  7. A while back I got a male and female betta from a lady who said they had been living together for a year in a 1g tank. The males fins were torn to shreds. Very soon after getting them home I noticed that he kept flaring up at her and then she would turn around and bite his fins. I definitely do not reccomend putting him in with a female. I personally have my male in with guppies, platys, danios, a pleco and a khuli loach and they get along wonderfully, but they are also in a 29g tank. Like someone before me said he may get along with other fish, but when it comes down to it they are solitary fish.

    Edit: Also strange as this may sound I think one of the reasons he gets along with the other fish so well is because he was harrassed and beat up by the female for so long.

  8. yea if was a fish i would want sum friends

  9. why would you do that

    bettas are tropical fish (need an aquarium heater)

    goldfish are coldwater and are better in ponds and 20+ gallon aquariums

    goldfish need heavy filtration and bettas like minimal water movement

    also they are very likely to fight

    bettas can be kept with some small schoolers

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