
Is it ok to drink diet coke or orange juice instead of water?

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I'm trying to lose weight, will diet coke put any weight on me? what about orange juice and milk?

Thank you!




  1. nope!  your body needs water to function proper... and it helps flush out the toxins in your body which helps you burn fat more efficiently.  

    if you want to lose weight, do NOT drink diet soda!  yes, it can make you gain weight even although it is "zero calories".  it can actually give you metabolic problems, causing weight gain.

  2. Not at all.Water is the most essential liquid for us.And if you're trying to lose weight you gotta go farther away from orange juice and diet coke.Diet coke is anyhow a processed item and can never ever replace water.

  3. There is so much in the news these days about diet soda that I wouldn't drink it unless it was the last thing available.  Orange juice, while better for you, carries a lot of sugar.  

    Neither drink flushes out your system.  If you need the water content and the energy that comes with OJ then fine.  But if you want to lose weight go for water.

    As for milk that's a hard one.  You need to find the nutrients elsewhere if you avoid milk.  If you drink non-fat you may not be satisfied.  So look for the protien and calcium and magnesium in other foods.

    Make sure you exercize and drink lots of water.

    Remember all those diet pills and powders out there always include a little phamplet that tells you to have a good diet and exercize to make their product work.  They are useless.

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