
Is it ok to dynamic stretches when your legs are extremely sore from a workout?

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I worked out my legs and the next day it hurt to sit, stand, and walk the only time my legs wouldnt hurt is if i would lay on something soft. i was wonder if during this period it would be ok to do the dynamic kicking stretch. I tried it it hurt so bad i just stopped. Is this when you should do the stretches or should i wait till i heal or any advice is fine?




  1. Only if you warm up to the point of sweating first.  

    Do jumping jacks, jog, whatever until you are sweating and full warmed up, then you can do the dynamic stretching.

    Be aware of the difference between pain the "hurts" (uncomfortable) and pain that is "injury" (do not continue).


  2. You probably won't hurt your legs, but stick with static stretching when you're exhausted from a leg workout and spare your spine a little pain.

  3. Stretching is great for sore muscles but do not over extend because you can risk injuring or tearing the muscle. I would recomend kicking until the soreness goes away and next time...stretch before and after a workout.

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