
Is it ok to feed a 6 week old solid food???

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this girl i know is feeding her six week old solid food like bananas and peaches and apple sauce. he is eating it from a spoon and is constipated all the time. i keep telling her to stop she won't listen i'd like some more advice




  1. Some people just don't listen.  She is putting her baby at risk for diabetes, stomach problems, obesity and risk for developing allergies early on.  The earliest a pediatrician will approve solids is 4 months but most say to hold off until 6 months.  There really isn't anything you can do, she is probably the type to say "its my baby and I will do what i want".  My sister was like that.  

  2. Not sure I can add any more to dueoct16... She has covered it well! why does a 6 week old need solid food? THEY DONT! They get everything they need from either breast milk or formula for the first 4 - 6 months of life. The constipation should tell her something is not right. Bananas can cause constipation!!!!!!

    I would do a little research on the internet and print some stuff out for her to read.  

  3. well, as a six week old baby should have a reflex to push food back out of his mouth when put in with a spoon, i find this more than a little hard to believe, my girl is 2 mos almost 3 and still tries to push a teether or such out of her mouth (yes she has a tooth)

  4. i don't think it is right to feed babies that young that sort of solid food..

    but in saying that when i was breastfeeding my son, i wasn't enough so i topped him up with formula and also i put a teaspoon of baby rice into his feed to give him that bit extra and he is absolutely fine, no health problems at all.

    of course my health visitor would have freaked at that..but when you have had more than one child you pretty much know what your doing and to keep it between limits..

    your friend really shouldn't giving her child solid food of that type. there tummy's aren't ready to deal with food of that sort at that age that's y its best to leave it to about 4 months.. if the child was 4 months that would be fine!!

    somee people though justcantt be told but maybe you could speak to a health visitor or a family member and raise your concerns.

    good luck

  5. u should tell ur friend that if she feels she needs to feed the baby a little extra then she should give him baby rice very runny made with hes baby milk but i think baby's should have more milk at this age if there hungry instead of food tell this to ur Friend maybe then she will listen

  6. When at a mother and baby club with my youngest, a woman came in who said she was also feeding her son (who was 2 months old) on solids. Weetabix, cereal and potaotes, I think she mentioned. We were all horrified!!! Babies don't need solids that young, they also can't deal with them. Their poor little bodies can't handle it. No wonder the wee thing has constipation-not only is she being fed months before she should be but bananas?!? Just no... Seriously, she is putting her baby at risk of getting really ill.  

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