
Is it ok to feed a hamster orange?

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Is it ok to feed a hamster orange?




  1. Never give citrus fruit to a rodent

  2. well,its a natural fruit,so it is possible,but im not sure if it can make a reaction for being such a citric,like diarrea or dehydration..i give lettuce,onions,tomatoes and pepino (cant recall the word in english XD)

  3. No It Will Give It The Runnss

  4. I wouldn't.

    While I doubt it'll kill it, you never know if it could cause stomach pain or "the runs"(but you often wouldn't know as the hamster can't tell you if it's in pain, and will be attracted by sweet tastes).  With animals such as hamsters, you need to think about what it would be likely to eat naturally (or in the case of hamsters, what its closest wild relatives would be most likely to eat!)

    So with hamsters, a diet of nuts, grains, small amounts of fruit (such as those which have a very thin skin so that fallen/discovered fruit would be eaten by rodents- apples, pears etc) or fruit/veg growing in the ground which rodents would naturally encounter (raw veg, salad etc).

    Basically, the best thing to do is feed a hamster food from a pet shop, which is 100% nutitionally balanced, and suppliment with (very small amounts - no more than a square cm) of root veg/salad each day.  The less "watery" the better, as otherwise it can cause stomach problems.

    Hope this helps, and don't mean to sound patronising if you know a lot of this - just thought best to include everything i know on the subject...

  5. Well as a keeper of hamsters for many years.. I would say no because oranges are too juicy for them, apples on the other hand are okay or un-cooked cabbage.

  6. It is best not to feed hamsters oranges, as this can give them wet tail (diarrhea), which can be deadly. The best foods to feed hamsters besides the packaged foods you buy in pet stores are:

    Peanuts (make sure they are raw)


    Carrots (I would recommend baby carrots, as they are smaller)

    Rice (cooked)

    Unsalted Sunflower Seeds

    Pumpkin Seeds


    Avoid feeding your hamster salt, as this can be deadly.

  7. Oranges are a bit too acidic really.  They probably won't do any serious harm but I'd still avoid it because it could cause a bit of a tummy upset.

    You may find that even if you offer your hamster orange, it won't take it anyway because they know what to avoid because they're clever like that.

  8. No, you can't feed a hamster orange. It probably won't eat it, but if it does, then you'll probably find it has the runs at the least. If it does, I've given hamsters a tiny little bit of marmite (or vegemite would be OK) on a breadstick to get some salts back into it or I've heard raspberry leaves are good. Don't feed hamsters anything citrus, or tomato, pineapple, chocolate, melon, anything oniony so no leeks/onions/garlic, no fruit stones and no junk food. I'm sure you'll take the hamster to the vet if you're concerned.

  9. I wouldn't give him too many "watery" treats like orange and other similar fruit and veg because you risk giving him diahorrea.  I'm not an expert but if you google hamster care that will help or the RSPCA which will give you advice on feeding every kind of pet.

  10. i would not do it beacoas of the acid in the orange it might give her or him diorea.

  11. if it is still moving the next day then yes

  12. no they cant eat oranges they are too sour.

    Some items hamsters (all species) will readily take are:  



    Any green vegetable - especially leafy ones (e.g. spinach, xiao pai chai, chinese celery and other local vegetables.)    

    cooked chicken/fish    

    any sort of fruits, except sour ones like oranges (apple, grape, banana...anything to this effect - mine take durian some times!)    

    carrots (although some owners claim this discolors white hamsters)    

    alfalfa (this may become more of a bedding than a food source for some hamsters)    

    Toasted bread    

    dog biscuits  

  13. no, rodents shouldn't eat citrus fruit.

    try giving it some broccolli, sweetcorn, or small amounts of dry spaghetti.

  14. No it is not.  Unless you want to have a ill hamster.  Sorry but stick to normal hamster food.  It's best!!!

  15. No, it's not. We've had dozens of hamsters over the years and oranges are not advisable - they're too acidic, grapes are fine though.

  16. No hamsters cannot eat any citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit etc  

  17. Don't feed your hamster oranges or kiwi fruit, it's not good for them and can give them diarrhoea. Never feed them conkers either.

    Instead hamsters love carrots, peanuts, celery, hazel twigs and baby sweetcorn. They LOVE sunflower seeds. You can buy hanging fruits occasionally covered in honey for their cage... they also love sprout tops, hay, apples, pears, tomatoes and parsnips.

    Once or twice a week you can give them a tiny piece of hard cheese and even one or two meal worms.

    You can't give them too much lettuce or cucumber.

    There are some things you can pick just make sure that it is washed properly and don't pick from the side of the road... Make sure it's okay for your hamster to be eating it before you give it to him.

    Some things that they eat which can be picked in summer are clovers, dandelions and groundsel.

    Never Ever give your hamster bracken, ragwort, buttercup or tomato leaves.

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