
Is it ok to feed my rabbit dry cat food?

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We have a rabbit and a cat, and whenever the rabbit is running around, he eats from the cat bowl.. so we just started feeding it cat food, is that ok?




  1. I think their nutritional needs are different, if I am not mistaken a rabbit does not eat meat.   Cat food contains meat and fish, I don't know if I would make a habit out of it.  

    Good Luck

  2. yeah its fine my cat eats the dog food and vice versa...  

  3. No it isn;t ok for the rabbit to eat cat food at all.Cat food is too high in protein and minerals and has no fiber.These are two different animals with 2 completely different digestive systems nutritional needs.To say the least it is ignorant and highly irresponsible to allow the rabbit to continue to eat cat food.

    I 'm sorry to be so strong , I have made this mistake also in the past and lost my rabbits because of it.

      Your rabbit may seem OK at first but he won't last long on cat food.Take him to a vet for a complete check up and ask the vet this very question and see what he says.

      A rabbit needs veggies  and lots of fresh clean Timothy Hay for vitamins and FIBER.You must educate yourself as to the requirements of these delicate creatures.Please read this following article in it's entirety before going any further with this dangerous style of free-range cat food  feeding...

    Oh, and feed the cat on the dining room table!

  4. No.  Please feed him Timothy Hay, grasses, veggies and rabbit food.

  5. Although most junky cat foods like friskies and cat chow are corn -based. Corn isn't suitable for rabbits either. Alfalfa pellets or alfalfa in it's natural form,supplemented with vegetables and some fruit is best.

  6. NO not at all! Rabbits do NOT eat meat at all!!!!!!!!!!

    Its weird it even eats the food!! So make sure your rabbit has NO more cat biscuits as its not good for them they are only designed to eat roughage such as hay,grains,veg....

    Please make sure your little bunny has no more cat biscuits!!

    Hope this helps!!

  7. No way!!! Rabbits are vegetarians and dog food is protein based, which may kill your rabbit. Rabbits have a very sensitive digestive system, giving them the wrong food is deadly. There is dryfood available for rabbits (pallets) and you can give them diffrent types of fresh greens and vegetables. This Webpage will tell you all you need to know about your rabbits diet.

    Good luck!

  8. No. Rabbits are strictly vegetarian, cat food is made of meats like chicken, beef, lamb, and fish. This will make your rabbit very ill.

    Good luck!

  9. yhe only eat Veggies you'll make him sick

  10. You'd think that feeding rabbits would be easy. Just chuck any old plant matter into the cage and have done with it, right? Wrong. This feeding methodology happens to be an excellent way to possibly kill your bunny, or make it very sick indeed. Knowing what to feed your rabbit, and especially what NOT to feed your rabbit is a very important part of rabbit care becase some of the foods that might seem like natural foods to feed your rabbit are in fact incredibly bad for it. if you don't want your bunny to get too sick take it to the vet and buy more food for it or it can die

    Culprit one: Lettuce. As a general rule, you should NEVER feed your rabbit lettuce. Lettuce contains lactucarium, which can give your rabbit diarhea so bad that it becomes fatal. Some people say that it is okay to feed Romaine lettuce because it contains the least lactucarium of the common lettuce varieties, but you wouldn't eat a product that only contained small amounts of arsenic would you? It's best to stay away from lettuce when it comes to your bunnies, and keep it for the salads.

    Other common foods to avoid include cabbbage, parsnips, swedes, potato tops, and tomao leaves. There are plenty of good and tasty foods that you can feed your rabbit, so save these for the compost or maybe your own table if you're a fan.

    If you let your rabbit free in the garden or home, make sure that you don't have any of the following growing in places that are accesible to the rabbit, as they can also be dangerous to your bunny:

    Clover, Foxglove, Honeysuckle, Iris, Hemlock, Poppies, Deadly Nightshade, Buttercups, Bluebells, Arum Lilies, Ivy, Daffodils and other bulbs, Primulas, Jasmines, Fairy Primrose, Dahlia, Delphiniums, Larkspur, Snowdrops, Tulips, and Anemonies are all common plants that can cause problems for your bunny. In general it is best to restrict your bunny to grass only areas with no clover in them. Clover can cause gas, and rabbits have no means to expell the gas, which can mean bloat and death.

    Safe foods to feed your bunny include hay (preferably Timothy Hay, as it contains the most nutrients, and not Alfalfa Hay as it tends to contain too much calcium to be healthy for bunny), there should always be plenty of hay available for your bunny every day. Reputable pellets from a pet store can be fed in small amounts, but they should not form the bulk of the rabbit's diet. Fresh foods such as carrot, apple, banana, and broccoli can also be fed in small amounts as treats.

    A little care in choosing your rabbit's food can make a huge difference in your rabbit's health and happiness.

    that  are some ideas for you to use

    . but rabbits are like others said omnivores and should only eat veggies and fruit really anything high in calcium and low in isn;t ok for the rabbit to eat cat food .Cat food is too high in protein and minerals but has  fiber.They are both to different animals with  completely different digestive systems nutritional needs

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