
Is it ok to feed pet rabbits green beans?

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Is it ok to feed pet rabbits green beans?




  1. no i wouldn't try it cuz any wrong thing you give it could kill it.

  2. yes i have fed mine fresh green beans and he loved it and he is a picky rabbit also try carrots cauliflower broccoli and crackers but only as snacks

  3. It's a bad idea to feed much in the way of any fresh greens to you rabbit.  The high water content, low fiber, low protein, and high energy are a bad combination that can result in diarrhea, muscle loss, and the rabbit gaining fat.  If you feed any fresh greens, feed them in very small amounts.

  4. No. I have read in many places that it hurts their digestive tracks. It is very harmful for them

  5. As long as you're feeding the rabbit regular rabbit pellets and the green beans are just a snack it should be fine. Only fresh green beans though.. no canned.

  6. no, they can get the fibres stuck in their throats.

  7. No.  All sorts of beans can cause a rabbit a pretty severe tummy ache- they are too high in protein and can also cause them gas, and rabbits can't burp to expel it and get comfortable.

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