
Is it ok to feel this way?

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to feel like everything is your fault

i feel like i am a screwed uop kid

i am 16 years old and i have anorexia, OCD, anxiety disorder, bulimic tendencies, infantalism, and a diaper fetish. I feel like my parents do to much anmd i do not deserve help

am i right?

am i wrong?

i feel so screwed up

its like i am not depressed btu i wonder why god choose me to be adopted and have so many disorders and to top it off a love for diapers at 16

i mean come on now who has ever heard of that???




  1. Im sure your fine. ive never heard of a diaper fetish before but i wouldn't worry. there will always be someosn more "stranger" ( if thats how you view yourself) then you.. theres a fetish for EVERYTHIGN these days.   I think you deserve help.  everyone dose.  at a point in ones life everyone has to ask for help.  I woudl talk to your parents about this and mabeyt hey can help you work on your problems.  I think if you want to get better ( in terms of anorexia etc. )  you will.  you have shown that you possess the will power to do so all you need it someons to support you and be there for you

  2. It's normal to occasionally get feelings about your parents like that especially when you feel that you have too many problems and don't deserve their help, but it is NOT normal for you to have the conditions you've listed, especially at your age. I would ask your parents if they could take you to see a psychiatrist or a psychologist, as some of these can be cured by medication, and other through intensive therapy.

    As weird as your fetish is, I have heard of it, and nothing wrong with fetishes for the most part--but it is possible that the fetish may stem from other issues that are unresolved.

    Good luck and I am sure your parents love you.

  3. the way your feeling is depression!!!

  4. dont worry about stuff like tht and dont think y god did this to me god gives us challenges to overcome and that whole diaper dont worry people have weird fetish its no big deal.

    i hope i help good luck

  5. ok, let's take this from the top:

    "to feel like everything is your fault" yes, this is normal for puberty. obviously, everything is NOT your fault but it's totally normal to feel that way.

    about your eating disorders, why are you starving yourself? sure, thin is pretty, but to a certain point. trust me, guys do NOT find skeletons attractive. i suggest you see a doctor about this.

    also, see a psychologist about your ocd, anxiety disorder, and diaper fetish. he/she will help, trust me.

    your parents love and adore you above all else. let them help you. why WOULDNT you deserve help, of course you do!

    remember, a trying time is no time to quit trying!

  6. You are depressed get help..You were chosen to be adopted because some one really needed you and your birth parents were not able to care for you..You do deserve help, do it for you and your will all feel better..

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