
Is it ok to give Tums everyday for a calcium supplement?

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I know the sugar part of it is bad....but I've been giving them to my husband because he needs calcium badly. Most of his back jaw teeth have fallen out. He used to drink alot of coffee, but I have switched him to decaf.




  1. Yes. When I had a thyroidectomy, my para-thyroids (4 small glands embedded in your thyroid, that metabolize calcium for you) were damaged during surgery My specialist told me to take Tums as a calcium supplement .. so it must be alright. Wishin' ya well ...  :)

  2. Tums is definitely NOT the answer.  In fact, it is one of the worst things you can do for him in regard to Calcium absorption.  Taking excess calcium is only a very tiny part of fixing a calcium deficiency and it sounds like your husband has many other issues that are causing his teeth loss.

    In order for Calcium to be absorbed into the body, you need to have a LOW pH in the stomach.  Calcium is absorbed in the Jejunum just past the pyloric sphincter at the bottom of the stomach and if there is not enough stomach acid, the pH does not get low enough and calcium doesn't get absorbed, no matter how much you eat.  Additionally, most of the calcium pills sold are Calcium Carbonate or blackboard chalk that is mostly rejected by the body and ends up as cataracts, bone spurs, or kidney stones.  Since it's the cheapest form of calcium, the pill makers love it.  

    If the teeth are falling out, that is most likely due to "NICO" that dentists do not seem to want to deal with because typical dentists do not really know how to deal with it properly and since it causes NO pain, they chose to ignore the problem and what causes it.  "NICO" is (neuralgia-induced cavitations osteonecrosis) or deterioration of the jaw bone.  There are ways to solve this problem, but it involves nutritional advice and neither doctors or dentists have any clue what they are doing in regard to this issue.  It's not bad to get advice from them, but you need to weigh ALL your options.  

    Drinking lots of coffee greatly affects the adrenal glands, as well as other endocrine glands, but digestion is more of an issue in regard to this issue, most likely.  This is ESPECIALLY true if he has ANY indigestion, weight gain around the stomach area, or acid reflux.  If he has tartar build up on his teeth, this is a strong indication that he is greatly lacking in stomach acid production and ANY antacid will cause him to make the problem worse.

    good luck to you

  3. You want to be careful using an antacid. This lowers the acid levels in your stomach that are needed for digestion. It also can throw your Ph levels off and disturb your digestive system. Calcium also needs vitamin D to be absorbed in your system. I would take him to a dentist to see if there is any underlying disease that is causing that and get him a bone density test as well to see if he is producing enough calcium.  

  4. Antacids like Tums will definitely neutralise all his digestive juices and he'll end up with many more digestive issues than what he bargained for..... have a peek at this link.... it may be of use to you ~

    The best way to increase his calcium intake will always be by eating foods in as close to their natural state as possible that are rich in calcium ie ~

    leafy and green vegies, fresh sardines and salmon, organic walnuts and sunflower seeds, kale, broccoli and collard greens ......  you can also buy organic rice milk fortified with calcium......  organic with the nuts and seeds to avoid the nasty sulfites and other chemicals they use to "preserve" them that will upset sensitive digestive systems.

    Calcium works best with vitamins A, C, D, iron, magnesium and phosphorus........ to decaffeinate coffee they use even more chemicals and the end result isn't even really caffeine free ......... drink organic coffee from your local Health Food Store.

    peace baby


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