
Is it ok to give deep fried vegetables to toddlers?

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Is it ok to give fried vegetables to 20 months old..Im afraid too much oil could hurt their stomach..Do you give your 2 year olds oily food??




  1. Sure, but only in small amounts, and not too often

  2. it's not really the best idea, but just a taste proly won't hurt

  3. No never.They need wholesome,healthy food that will set up their diet patterns for life.

  4. It's okay occasionally as a treat, but as you probably are aware, deep fried foods are not healthy.  Children need fat, but not that kind of fat.  I do not give my daughter oily or sugary food, except very occasionally.

  5. it wouldnt harm them but its not very healthy. why dont u boil the veg or steam them

  6. of course its need variety too...there is no harm at all in giving deep friend stuff once in a while to kids...20 month olds like foods that taste good...and they r like us why not...just dont do it on a daily basis! my daughter likes deep fried stuff too...and when they see us eat it they r curious and want to i dont see any harm!

  7. Are you trying to give deep fried veggies because he/she won't eat regular ones?  Or is this just a side dish at a meal?  2 year olds eat french fries on occasions without problems.  They're deep fried.  I wouldn't try giving him/her deep fried veggies all the time, just to get the veggies down though.  You can get creative when serving vegetables to young ones. Mix them in with other foods.  They get gobbled down without them even knowing it.

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