
Is it ok to go to Paris, France?

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i really wanna go there but my dad says we shouldn't because they don't like americans & they might try to like kill us or something.

is this true,

or not?

*oh & he's not a racist or anythiiing




  1. Your Father does not know the truth.  The French are wonderful.  I spent a year there as a foreign exchange student and was treated wonderfully.  They most certainly would not attempt to kill you just for being American.  Many French remember how the US liberated France from the n**i's in world war two.  Also, with out the French helping us out against the British in the revolutionary war, we would never have become a separate country.  So the US and France have a long history together.

    They don't like it when people come to their country and expect them to know English.  (How would you feel if a French tourist came to the US and got impatient and angry with everyone in general because noone spoke French?  Or how much worse would latinos be treated in the US if they came over the border for work and expected us all to speak Spanish?)  

    They tend to treat people nice who at least TRY to speak the language.  At least learn some simple phrases and they will usually jump in and help you out.   And if you can't speak the language and you go there - don't expect them to speak English.  Be humble, you are the guest in their country.  But when you do find French people that speak the English, be appreciative.  

    In recent years, the US has had a president that has strained relations with many countries all over the world.  France is one of those countries.  But make no mistake about it - they are our ally.  And with the way Bush has mismanaged Iraq to date - he would have been smart to listen to France to begin with!

    France is a beautiful country with a fascinating history and wonderful cuisine.  If your father is too set in his ways - just go along with it.  After all - he's paying for it.  But when you are old enough to pay for your own trips - by all means go to France.

  2. ahhahahahaha

  3. OMG, you're perfectly safe!  They are fine with Americans.  They hate RUDE tourists (sadly, often American) and most French really hate our government's actions and Bush, but they distinguish between the government and the average citizen  (Unlike Americans who renamed French fries - which are Belgian by the way - and dumped out cases of French wine when we were ticked off at them for not wanting to invade Iraq with us!  But I digress...)

    There is *very little* violent crime in Paris.  The biggest threat is that there are a zillion pickpockets who are SO good at what they do. They'll unzip your purse, take out your wallet and get away without you having the slightest clue. Trust me.  I've seen it happen so many times.  They also work in teams with 1 to distract you in a crowd on on the metro and the other to rob you.  BUT they do not drag you into an alley and beat you senseless for your wallet like they would in many American cities!  I have traveled to France at least 12 times (alone, with my family and with students) and have never had a problem other than being pick-pocketed once.

    It's good that your dad is worried about you but you won't be in any physical danger.  If you can say Bonjour monsieur (or madame).  And *ASK* if they speak English *before* you start rambling on in a foreign language to them, you'll be fine.  S'il vous plait and Merci will get you all the help you need.

  4. I doubt they will try to kill you.  They do have a distaste for Americans at the moment, so just keep it on the down low.

  5. LOL. NO.

    Nobody will try to kill you in France. We're not a loving guns and violence people like USA. We don't kill people.

    We don't like the american government, and some americans, but don't generalyze (does it mean something?)...Hlaf of the french (the stupid part) has voted for Sarkozy who is pro-usa and pro-israel. So...

    We think differently than americans, but it doesn't mean we hate all of you. All the young americans I met in Paris were very nice. We just don't like to see some stupide americans arriving here like they were the masters of the universe, that's it. So stay humble and modest.

  6. Goooo! They Will Do NOTHING!

  7. hahaha wow, no thats not true at all. there are soo many tourists that go there every year. certain french people dont like americans, just like certain americans dont like black people or mexicans. there not gonna try to kill you. paris is an awesome place to visit

  8. go, young grasshopper.

    you will be okay.

  9. we took my 11 yr old daughter there in sept.  she had  a great time.  french  people were a little s****. but  that was all we responded with kindness and moved on  no one ever tried to hurt us  get to know the people  at the front desk and ask them for fun safe places.

  10. Nooooooo! As much as "French dislike Americans," so much of their economy is based on tourism that they actually appreciate the money coming in, although they may not show it.

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