
Is it ok to go to a job interview while you are sick?

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I am asking because my job is in the health care field. I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon and I am having the flu. I can't even disguise it because when I talk you can tell that I have a cold. I know that in health care infection control is a big issue so what should I do?? Should I have it rescheduled or should I go?




  1. "in health care infection control is a big issue" EXACTLY! If you go on an interview while carrying an infectious illness, you are putting the interviewer at risk of contracting, which could cause him to call out sick. it can be seen as inconsiderate, reschedule, they will appreciate it, and it might actually help, especially if you say "i don't want to get anyone else sick" when you do so..

  2. You should call and tell them that you aren't feeling well and you're sick at home with a cold.  Whatever you do don't go to an interview sick, it will make them think that you don't care and just want to get the interview over with sick or not.  

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