
Is it ok to go to a prom night with your cousin?

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my cousins prom night is coming up soon and he has asked me to go with him but i'm thinking 'is it wrong'?




  1. It depends - as a date, that would be just weird, but as a friend, I don't see why not. Or, if you really really don't want to go with him, try to help him find a date.

  2. Its not wrong if you think of prom as just a big party where you go to have fun. If he is a good person and has fun friends, would you normally not go to a party with your cousin? The truth is that some kids may want to go to prom to be with their friends, have fun, and not have to feel like they are a 35 year old adult who has never been married and the clock is ticking.

    I would suggest that the best thing to do is get a group of like-minded friends to go out and people watch. You would be amazed how nervous, awkward and weird people act around each other in these situations. If somebody asks, say that you did not feel the pressure to profess your "liking" of anybody but you are here because you never miss a party where you can dance.

    If somebody makes a comment about "not finding a date," ask them what their specific situation is and put them in the defensive. Sarcastically tell them it must be wonderful to be like them and find two people who are in love, ask them if they like each other "in that way," what are their plans later this evening, are they "hooking up?" This should make anybody feel nervous and leave you alone.  

  3. mmmm I find it "weird"....and ..yes..."wrong"...and of "bad taste" would say .."No" thanks.

  4. Are you youger then him? I think u should go because he probably wants to go and he's shy around other girls so he asked you.

    He probably would have a better time if he went with a girl in his class because your his cousin.

    to save him emmbarssment tell him to go the prom with a girl in his class. he can look around and ask people if they can come with him.

    Because proms suppose to be really fun but they might make fun of him bacouse he's going to the prom with his couison.

    it's not really wrong because he want s to go but he can find anyone to go with. If anybody asks who u are just say a friend, make sure he has a good time with u because that's what really matters!

    but if u don't go don't feel bad because it's not your fault and he will have a better time eith some else. But he might not like u if u don't go so if i were u i would try to find him some else because proms aren't  meant for there cousions. u could even skip the prom and just take him to a movie or something else, but he probably wants to go to his prom, so either way would be fine,-------------------Just try to find him someone not related to him like one of your friends!

  5. his proms gonna suck with you around. i mean i dont mean to offend you but proms just not for cousins he should get a real date. tell him to ask the cleaners theyll be happy to help

  6. perhaps he is shy around the girls at school and doesnt feel like he can ask any of them to go with him but he also doesnt want to go on his own which is understandable. its always more fun if u have a date. its only u and him spending time togehter at the prom, nothing else. think about it, u can get a nice dress eat a really nice meal, meet some new people (his friends) and dance the nite away, knowing that u are with some1 u know and trust. its only wrong if he fancies u. go along, ul have a great nite and he will really appreciate not having to spend his big night as a loner with no date xo

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