
Is it ok to have a female and a male cockatiel in the same cage or will they fight

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Is it ok to have a female and a male cockatiel in the same cage or will they fight




  1. It depends. More specifics would be helpful. First of all, if they are new to each other. NEVER PUT THEM TOGETHER IN THE SAME CAGE! They will fight. Keep them in seperate cages at first, in the same room, at opposite ends. So they can hear each other and get used to the sounds of the other. After the first week, Move their cages closer together so they can see and hear each other but still have their own territory. During the second week also allow them to sit together on the back of the couch. Where they can choose to explore each other and still have the room to take flight if the other is uncomfortable. During the 3rd week set the cages side by side and place a perch of some sort, connecting the cages so they can go back and forth and explore the others territory. during this time you can see if they will take to each other and share a common cage. Kind of like you and i. Would we want to be closed up with a perfect stranger in a cage the first time we met? Never close two birds up together that don't know each other. Watch for signs of feather pulling, or tail wagging. these are signs of stress and disapproval. If you would like some really good advice, contact Wanda. She is great with birds and has helped me with my flight suits ie: diapers for my birds.

  2. They'll probable fight.

  3. They'll most likely fight.

  4. Once the birds have had a chance to get to know each other, while living in separate cages, you can combine to one cage. Watch them, observe their behavior. One will become the dominate bird, but if they both want to dominate, they may fight. I have a male and female in the same cage, and they get along great!

  5. maybe they will fighth in the begging but not in the will stop i think

  6. No they wont fight eventually they will bond and love each other and later on if you want them to you can put a box in with them and they will have babies for you {:O)  

  7. as most birds.. if they werent put in the cage at the same time... they will probably nip at each other a little bit.. If you already have 2.. and just have them seperated but want to cage them together, id let them both out and see how they are together and let them get used to each other.. and if you dont have the 2nd one already.. Id do the same.. But after a while they should get used to each other.. Obviously a male and female can be together because they do mate LOL..  

  8. well sometimes they fight and sometimes they don't

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