
Is it ok to have a gap in children?

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I have a 17 month old and we are trying for baby #2. Once baby #2 comes along we're done for a while. Until I finish my degree. Than once I get it, we want two more about two years apart. In your opinion or experience, do you think that's ok? Well I regret it, or like it? Will the kids like it? I think it would be good because little children often ask for a little brother or sister, right? THanks!!




  1. My parents had a 3-4 gap between us and it works great.

  2. It is totally fine splitting them up. I only have one, but my sister has 4 ages 15, 13, 10, 8.  You will have them in pairs so they will always have someone around the same age to play with. Do what you and your husband think is best for you. Good Luck.

  3. Gaps are fine!

    I'm 19, my older sister is 20 (15 months difference) and my younger sister is only 7 (11 years 9 months difference). I grew up forever quarreling and bickering with my older sister, and although we're best friends now, I've always found I just get on better with my little sister. I live overseas from my family now, but whenever I go home my little sis and I are always hanging out and doing things together.

    I'm sure the difference between your children won't be as large as that, but I'm confident you'll be fine. The biggest thing to consider is that when you have the second batch, it'll be like starting all over again! Back to bottles and constantly having them around just at an age when your older ones are toddling off to school and finally giving you some peace...

    Good luck with it, do whatever feels right to you and your family.

  4. My sons are 13, 10 & 4.  Going through midnight feedings, diaper changing and potty training after being free of it for 4 years seemed more frustrating the 2nd time around for me.  The two older boys actually seem closer to one another than to their little brother, so he feels left out quite a bit.  It can actually be quite heart breaking wiping away the tears of a little one because he wants nothing more than to play with his brothers when all they want is to play with their friends.  My older boys never asked for a little brother or sister, in fact they asked if we could live him at the hospital.  However, the older the little one gets the more the older boys include him.  For me, it has been kind of rough.  Not to say you would encounter the same challenges but it is something to keep in mind.  Being that you plan on having two you may never have the same issues.

  5. I think it'll be fine.  I am 25, my brother is 21, Sister is 18 and we are all very close.  Especially me sister and I.  You would never guess that there was 8 years difference in us.  

  6. I know family's that have 5 to 8 years in between children and they do perfectly fine.

  7. it'll be fine, my step sister and her older sister are 14 years apart and they get along fine.....the older one just turned 31 and my step sister is about to turn 17 about 3-4 months

  8. Well i would put it as a source but i dont know where my mom read it some parenting magazine and it said anymore than 2 years apart is just to much and me and my bro are 13 and 15 and we can tell that with our friends and there siblings they are closer in friend ship if they are closer than age because a sibling should always be one u can be friends with and trust but i think the way you are going to do it might be ok but if u think about it baby #1 is 17 months in 9 months it will be 2 years and months old or something around there but i think u will be fine

  9. Me and my sister are three years.  My brother and sister are two years,  my brother and I are six years.

  10. Every family is so completely different.  i think the personalities of the children and how they interact make much more of a difference than the actual age gap!  

    My two children will be almost 5 years apart.  While I had hoped to have my children only 18 months apart, it didn't happen.  I have no doubt though that they will be close and loving siblings!

    Best of luck to you in your journey for another little one!

  11. Everyone says all these different things like they will bond beter f they are closer, and honestly it's the child and not the gap.

    There are people out there 5, 8, 15 years apart from their sibling and they get along just great

    And there are those who are 15 months apart who literally tried to kill each other as kids.

    Its the personality  not the gap.

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