
Is it ok to have a long distances reationship?

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Is it ok to have a long distances reationship?




  1. If you like him or her enough, and he or she likes you enough, you'll find a way to make it work. My boyfriend is 10,000 miles away right now--literally halfway around the world. It's tough, but if you're willing to work, it's worth it.

  2. yes i have a friend who lives in new jersey and i live in florida we still talk alot, i also have a bf whos spending the whole summer in mexico. also depends on how much you trust the person to if its a close relation ship.

  3. If You can handle them- Sure. But not everyone Can. For many of Us, what's "out of sight" tends to slip "out of mind..." But You CAN feel "close" to a Person- even if You can't communicate with them- visually... It depends on YOU, That Person, & what You SHARE in Your Relationship...  :)

  4. It depends how far away you are............... if it isn't that far then maybe but if not you can never be sure what they are doing or if they are staying true.

  5. probably...but what type of relationship and whats the distance!!

  6. What about your physical needs? If there is no one in your life, time can be passed faking it, in any number of phony but tantelizing ways. Internet trysts come to mind, but we all know from either direct or observational experiences of associates that non-flesh "contact" only goes so far, being a contradiction in terms and all. How long will theory and supposition be satisfying? If it all leads to a timely physical union, fine. But at some point it becomes a pathetic substitute for fulfilling one's destiny in some real way, in a "hopelessly destroyed by distance" romance settled for, which one cannot let go of just yet. Exceptions include disabilities, etc., which reduce one's options, but you seem as fertile as the Nile Delta. Waste all the time you want, but the clock is very much ticking. Regards, Larry.

  7. Nope, believe me, it is not!!

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