
Is it ok to have a relationship with your best friend?

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Could you have a proper relationship with your best friend? Would it be too strange and could you be friends after the relationship?

Thanks for the help :)




  1. I think that these are the best relationships - the ones with the most longevity and happiness.

    It makes sense because you already no each other extremely well. You understand her ups and downs, and she understands yours. She knows how to support and help you through things and you can do the same for her.

    In most other relationships you get to know the partner after you've hooked up. This could, and often does, end in disaster. You and your best friend on the other hand care for each other as friends and potentially as lovers.

    I met an elderly couple at my first job way back when I was 16. They had been married for 60 years. They said that after the passion of a normal relationship fizzles out, the cracks begin to appear. They on the other hands were best friends before and once the passion fizzled out (which it inevitably does) they had their friendship to fall back on.

    I think this is best way.......

    As for break ups - they're tough no matter the situation. When your friends I think you can patch thing up more readily than if you are not. If however the break up was mutual, I think you can go back to be being friends. If one partner still wants a relationship and the other doesn't this is where problems in your friendship could occur.

    Good luck and - go for it!

  2. I don't go for that g*y stufff, dude.

  3. i dont think there could be a better person to be in a relationship with than your best friend! If you're both attracted to eachother, then its a perfect match. You should give it a go because if you fancy them, then no lesser friend is really gonna do!

  4. yes,maybe, yes/no...i think you could be friends but i don't think it would be the same as before. i guess it's what you make it

  5. I think that is a great way to start a relationship! Everything has to be founded on friendship to begin with anyways, your already ahead of the game. I think the key would be to start with an understanding of your expectations, make sure your both on the same page about what you want and if things don't end up working out that you won't make it messy and will still remain friends.

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