
Is it ok to have this many tums?

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I am starting to think about taking 2 tums every night because I get acid reflex when I go to sleep, but some night I don't have it but I never know because it starts when I'm asleep and wakes me up..

Would it be bad if I took them even if there was no problems?




  1. see your doctor first before you over medicate yourself with these tums. i would take nomore than one at night but check your liquids before hand. too much soda is not good. check you water juice teas and whatever else you drink youll be surprised. mine is water from the fridge, not in bottles either.  

  2. You should be fine, some people like to eat tums because they like the taste alone daily, so it shouldnt be a problem

  3. Most i have taken is 8 at a time...

    I'm still okay...!

  4. tums are made from a from of calcium, if you do not suffer from bone density loss or lose calcium w/menses (women's period) then you may be taking in too much, the only obvious side effect unfortunately will be gallbladder or kidney stones. these will have to be broken by ultrasound and then these stones will have to be urinated out. lets just say it is VERY painfull to pee stones. as long as you drink lots of water everyday you should be ok. you might want to change your diet as to reduce the cause/causes of your acid reflux. stay away from over processed food and greasy food.-blurey

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