
Is it ok to hold a snake when they are in the process of shedding?

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This is the first time this happened.

My snake is going through shedding and his tank is a MESS( He's a very messy snake lol)

And he's going through a shed, He's had blue caps on his eye` for around 4 days and I want to get him out of that tank into his second enclosure so I can clean it out.

Is it safe for me and the snake if I carry him to his secondary enclosure for cleaning out?




  1. It is alright to handle him so that you can bring him to his other enclosure, but try to avoid holding him so he can attempt taking his skin off himself, unless you plan on taking it off.

    Either way, holding him won't affect the shed.

    Good luck and I hope I was of some help.

  2. Its really not good to carry a snake when theyre shedding They get very testy and will probably attack you So i would wait untill they are past the shedding phase to clean out their cage You dont want to traumatize the snake or yourself in the process So definitely wait till hes done shedding

  3. It really depends on the temperment of your snake.  Is this the first shed, since you've had it?

    Some snakes get very defensive when their vision is impaired during the shedding process, and tend to strike blindly at anything that moves.  This is a defensive behavior.  The reptile is only trying to protect itself.

    The toughest part is getting it out of the tank.  Just accept that you might get struck, and don't hesitate.  Pick the snake as you normally do, and handle it the way it is used to being handled.

    You can transfer it to a soaking bucket, or another tank, while you clean its habitat.  Handle it gently so you don't damage the skin, and cause a partial shed.

    Repeat the process to return it.  (If you soaked it, pat it dry gently with paper towels first).

  4. It is safe for him, but sometimes snakes that are shedding are grumpy and may bite, be careful

  5. It'll be fine to hold the snake for a few minutes or so. Just make sure you keep its humidity levels up for a nice clean shed!

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