
Is it ok to hook up my xbox to my LCD HD tv??

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i have a sony lcd hd tv and i was wondering if my xbox could damage or break my tv if i play on it. i have been told that game consoles can ruin the tv. is this true??




  1. if it is an xbox 360 you should be fine. regular xboxs sometimes fry lcd and hd TVs.

  2. That's not necessarily true. you can connect your xbox to an LCD HD TV it doesn't damage it. The only type of tv I know that has a high chance of being damaged is a plasma screen since if you leave the same image on that screen for too long it will burn in.

  3. can hook it up, it can damage your tv only if you have a still screeen for too long which causes burn-ins on the screen (ie if you put your game on pause for an hour and leave it there, you can do that, just turn the TV power off if you need to pause for a long time)

  4. I have never heard this. I hook up my xbox to my lcd tv all the time, but some reason, when you switch to hdtv on the av cord, one input channel will show only video with no sound, and on the other sound but no video. It looks great on hdtv.

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