
Is it ok to ignore??

by  |  earlier

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a phonecall if you don't want to/can't be bothered to talk to someone??

or should I still answer it??




  1. It's ok to ignore.

  2. It's fine if you want to ignore a call :)

  3. to me it's ok to ignore a phone call but to ignore a person you know well is something else because you might seem ok with it at first but at the end you might feel bad inside and regret it, so if you want to ignore the phone call or a person you know go ahead but if your having seconds thoughts then don't ignore ( it's up to you )  

  4. Ignore them~!!!!!!!!!  

  5. Its OK to ignor but I guess you sould ask politely to call you another time cause the time is not good, or if you never want to talk, so just say it but again in a polite way!

  6. i just did that but the person called home instead lol

  7. Ermm I'd say pick it up just incase it's urgent but if it's something like your mate wanting a quick chat just say you're eating dinner or getting in the shower or something.. works every time! :)
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