
Is it ok to leave my parakeet at home for 3 days and 2 nights? plz answer!! truthfully!! 10 pts easy~ ?

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My dad is making my keep my parakeet at home even tho i will probably come home to it dead : ( and i am trying to tell him that its not a good idea




  1. you shouldnt leave any pet home alone for more than a night. they need fresh water every day and fresh food. try to find an experienced pet sitter while you are away. it should cost too much. but esspecially a bird, they need attention.

  2. It probably isn't a good idea, it'll be ok if you leave enough food and water but it has a chance that it'll go mad because parakeets are very social creatures. Imagine being kept in a cage alone with nothing to do for three days and two nights. consider finding it a friend (bird) or finding  a pet sitter. it would be very nice for your parakeet if you did.

  3. yes it is fine just leave a full bowl of food and water and a millet spray

    and they should be fine!

  4. If you have someone to give it fresh food and water each day, and if it's not let out somewhere unsafe or exposed to anything dangerous, the bird will be fine.

  5. Where are you located, have you considered a pet sitter. I would put a few extra food and water containers in there and a few extra toys and I think he should be fine.  

  6. its bad if there is no one there to give it more food and what not

  7. Yes it is perfectly ok for you to leave them alone that long as long as you have plenty of food and water in with them. They aren't going to die just because you aren't around for a few days.

  8. If it has plenty of food and water, it probably won't die, but leaving it alone for that long is a VERY BAD IDEA! Birds are social creatures and can develop behaviors that cause injury to themselves from loneliness.Please consider leaving the bird with someone or at least having them come in and spend a few minutes with it a couple of times a day.

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