
Is it ok to let a four week old camp on your breast?

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I have a four week old and we just got breast feeding down. Now, she wants to be on the breast all the time - using it for food and comfort. It seems its the only thing that settles her down, her dad can't even seem to comfort her. Has anyone had this challenge? If so, any recommendations to remedy the situation (if it needs remedying)?




  1. this is completely normal. my 3month old is doing this too. she's had a few growth spurts already and every time she's about to have one, i'll notice her nursing sessions are more frequent AND each session is longer. then, things will level off and she'll go back to her "normal schedule".

    my 2yr old did this too, off and on.

  2. Congratulations on breastfeeding!!  I say this not because one choice is better than the other, but because breastfeeding is a full time job.  It would seem that out comes baby and right to the breast, ready to suckle they go, but no so.  You have already tackled the hardest part.

    At four-weeks old you don't have alot of choices for comfort measures. Changed, feed, swaddled, rocked, slept, get the idea.  The breast is a place of comfort.  The warmth of your body and your smell are comforting already, throw in sucking and it is utopia for a baby.  

    Also, at several points infants have what they call cluster feeding periods.  During these times your infant will want to nurse more, longer and more frequently.  You will feel like she is always at the breast.  This usually happens during growth spurt periods.  Sometimes mom's think that they must not be producing enough for the baby and they start adding in formula or bottles or give up altogether.  Don't.  As long as you baby is pooping, peeing and gaining weight then you are ok.  

    During on of my daughter's cluster feeding periods I became so emotionally and physically exhausted and thought I just couldn't go on.  I called a lactation specialist and told her what was going on and she helped me through the period.  You know what I did, I camped out in the comfiest spot in the house and nursed my daughter to her heart's content.  I got up to shower, and use the restroom.  We literally slept in that chair and I even ate a few meals there for about a week.  My husband was really great about helping out when he was home.  At one point we even hired someone to help clean around the house, so I could just be with the baby and developing a schedule around her needs.  You wouldn't believe this... the cleaning lady actually told me one day that if I would put my baby down and let her cry, then I could probably get my own cleaning done!!  Needless to say, she didn't work out.  Eventually, we got through that period and life went on.  

    As far as for comfort, I admit we didn't completely wean from the breast until she was 2 1/2.  Co-sleeping and breastfeeding were exhausting at times, but I wouldn't have done it any other way.  She grew out of the need to be comforted by the breast.  She is very healthy and independent.  Just do what you feel is comfortable for your family.  Don't rush to change something that is working, especially if it's because someone tells you it's wrong.  I don't think that there is a right or wrong way to go about this situation.  You are her mother and you are her lifeline, do what you can when you can, and when she wants to be with you take advantage of that opportunity, it goes by so quickly.

  3. thats how my baby was. she's 7.5 months now and still prefers me over dad. it does get easier, after about 6 weeks. so hang in there!

    its not a problem for me, Im enjoying it while it lasts. before too long, she will be 13 and saying "don't touch meeeee!!! go awaaaaaaaaay"

  4. Absolutely!!  Babies that young need to be at the breast constantly.  This is the best thing for her emotional development, and it's awesome for your milk supply!  Trust me, it will get better as she becomes more interested in her surroundings.  She may continue to prefer you though.  My daughter is 16 months old and weaned herself from the breast at almost 15 months.  She loves playing with Daddy, but when she gets sleepy and wants to sleep, it has to be Mommy that rocks her to sleep!  It's my favorite time of the day.

  5. It's not only OK, it's normal!  Many women think that this means that they are spontaneously losing their milk, but I'm so glad to see that you know better.

    For now, just rest with your baby.  Just allow her to nurse nonstop and forget about getting anything else done.  In the future, you can learn how to nurse your baby in a sling, but for now, just rest up.


  6. Same thing here.... My son loves to fall asleep with my breast in his  I found that if my husband and I watch for signs that he is getting sleepy and get him to sleep before he gets to cranky he will go to sleep with out the boob...

    You are doing great!! Your son has a closer bond with you since you breast feed him-- have you tried pumping and letting you husband bond with him over a feeding...

  7. Let her nurse as long as she wants to. It's a phase but if she wants to be nursing there's a reason. She's probably due for a growth spurt and is building your milk supply. Trust her to know what's best for her to be doing right now, my son went through that several times.  

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