
Is it ok to let kids(teens) paint their own bedroom walls?

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Is it ok to let kids(teens) paint their own bedroom walls?




  1. Sure!...I think that's great. But, I would set limitations. Remember that the day WILL come when you go to another color or white. So keep the tones light. But non to worry if they really go wild...anything can be covered with enough coats. Have fun!

  2. Why not? Just keep it well ventilated.

  3. sure!

  4. of course.

  5. Sure, it is an expression of oneself.

  6. Yes, however there are some things that you will want to do prior to placing a roller in the hands of a teen.  You will want to move the furniture out, with their help of course.  You will also want to get plenty of painter's blue tape to go around windows, doors, trim and ceiling.  Get the wide kind, to keep it safe from paint splatters and drips.  Lay down plenty of drop cloths to protect the floor from paint.  Remove outlet covers and light switch covers and any window coverings.  Lastly, set a deadline for them to be finished by.  One-two days should be plenty.  After all, you are the one who has to work around all the extra furniture and pictures that were on the wall before this idea came about.  Hopefully, their choice of wall color is something you can live with!  Good luck!

  7. definitely, it has the teens do some work yet have some fun with it. let the teens invite a couple of their friends to help, too! of course, set some limitations so it's not a complete mess. A couple pointers are:

    * keep the room well ventilated

    * make sure there is plastic covering the flooring/carpeting

    * check in once in a while, to make sure things are running smoothly.

    painting their own room will boost their self-confidence to say "yeah, i painted my own room" and maybe brag a little bit, hah. and they can express themselves. it's THEIR room, they should feel comfortable, and relax in their room.

    hope this helps! (:

  8. Sure yeah Let them choose it's their personal space

  9. You may wind up with a couple of painted teens but that's the fun of it. Besides, kids need to learn how to do things and being able to brag, to their buddies, about painting their own room is good for their self esteem. Give them some guidance and let them get to it.

  10. As long as you use plenty of tarps, and open those windows I think its a great idea! It is important for a teen to feel like they have their own space, and not just fit into mom or dads idea of a room for them.

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